Lord's Dec 2020 message updatesLord's Dec 2020 message updates On Feb 6th 2018, I told you on FB that there is a special meaning for number 57. There is a Bible meaning towards 1John5: 7 And another meaning towards where Toronto Falun Dafapractitoners group together every Friday night, for reading the Fa. The Bus# is 57 on Midland Ave. But now they already left this location soon after I post this message. This year's number the Lord gives us is $65. TTC Bus#65 is on Parliment St in downtown Toronto. From Princess St and Berkeley St to Castle Frank subway station. Are you getting some understandings here??!!! Parliament!! Parliament!!! 2018 Toronto Dafa practitioners study location TTC bus 57 TTC bus 65 on Parliament St See what I got from the store today!! 😄 In Yves Rocher store This Christmas' products design and store design are so sobeautiful. Very Charming!! I like it very much. 😄 😄 ❤ ️ 😄