Неделя 4.Тема: International relations in the history of socio-political thought.Неделя 4. Тема: International relations in the history of socio-political thought. СРСП СодержаниеСРСП: 1). Устныйопрос: 1. N. Makiavelli about the state and the policy of force in interstate relations He acquired practical experience of politics of his time. He wasborn in Florence, Italy in 1469 in a well-to-do family, when Prince Medici was at the height of his power. At the age of 25, he entered the government service as a clerk chancery. Within a very short period he was appointed as an ambassador, Afterthat he became secretary of the king. Thus he acquired practical experience of politics. His administrative and political experience determined his views about politics. Machiavelli lived in Renaissance Italy and was greatly influenced by the new spirit of Renaissance. The intellectual awakening injected rational scientific approach in every sphere of human life, renaissance replaced the faith by reason. Italy was the leader of Renaissance, the most modern and urbanized country of Europe. But in Italy the wealth, intellect and artistic achievements were accompanied by moral degradation anpolitical chaos. The worst aspect of the period during which Machiavelli lived was the rampant corruption and selfishness among the Italian rulers and the church officials Machiavelli represents the culture which was undergoing a period of deep political crisis. Italy consisted of a very large number of small butindependent states. Some of these states like Florence and Venice were republics, while others were ruled by despots. Internally these states were the home of fierce political rivalries and personal ambition and externally they were involved in a constant struggle with one another. This political division of Italy and the struggle between the states made the country weak and a prey for the ambitions of the powerful neighbouring states of France, Prussia and Spain. France invaded Italy and defeated the Medici rulers. Machiavelli was witness to this tragedy. It was out of this traumatic experience, that made Machiavelli conclude that unless Italy was united under a strong central government, the country would always remain under the threat of conquestand annexation by neighbouring countries. 3. Suggested remedies on the plight of Italy Machiavelli was a true partriot, thinking on the plight of Italy and to find remedies for this. He suggested a strong and unscrupulous prince for the Italy. He did not recommend the republican form of government for Italy, as it presupposes virtuous, honest and patriotic citizens, whereas the sixteenth century Italians were corrupt and selfish. Hence Machiavelli suggested a strong and powerfulruler for Italy. Machiavelli was not interested in idealistic conception of thestate. His chief interest was concentrated in the unity of bodypolitic and power. He adopted an empirical method. Heseriously studied the past-from 4th century to 15th century of themedieval age. This age was characterized by the Feudal state. In this order king divided his dominions into many parts. Eachpart granted to a noble or tenant chief. There were no common laws and central authority. In short feudal system was aconfusion. Out of this confusion church emerged as the superiorauthority. Result was continuous conflict between the spiritualand temporal authorities. Pope claimed superiority over all theprinces. State (civil authority) was merely the police departmentof the church. Thus a true national life could not grow in such asystem. He X-rayed the entire Italian society. The feudalism andthe church not only destroyed the identity and importance of thestate, but the state was considered sub-ordinate. ButMachiavelli completely divorced religion from politics. He brokethe medieval tradition that the political authority is under thecontrol of church. He made the state totally independent of thechurch by saying that the state has its own rules of conduct tofollow, state is highest, supreme and autonomous. He said thestate is superior to all associations in the human society. Herejected the feudal system and propounded all powerful centralauthority, who is supreme over all institutions. The central theme of Machiavelli‟ s political ideas is power. Hehighlighted power as an essential ingredient of politics. According to him moral code of individual prescribed by thechurch cannot provide guidelines to the ruler. According toMachiavelli a ruler must remember that whatever bringssuccess is due to power. For acquiring political power he canuse any type of Means. He said politics is a constant strugglefor power. All politics is power politics. For Machiavelli absolute state was the End; and for this Meanswas power. He said the sole aim of the „Prince‟ was to make thecountry strong and united, establish peace and order and expelthe foreign invader. To achieve this end any means would besatisfactory.