Neighbours. True or false. Watch the video and decide which sentences are true and which are false.. Discussion. Gap-fill ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Neighbours True or false Watch the video and decide which sentences are true and which are false. 1) Jemma doesn’t know all her neighbours’ names. 2) Paul is on first name terms with his neighbours. 3) Rachel knows the majority of her neighbours. 4) Edwin often leaves his keys with his neighbours. 5) Jemma wants to get to know her downstairs neighbour better. 6) Paul thinks people should try harder to get to know their neighbours. 7) Edwin is a teacher. 8) Rachelused to live next to some old people.
Discussion · Edwin says ‘in London you don’t get to know your neighbours that well, which is a bit of a shame’. · Paul says ‘we should all make more effort to get on with and to get to know our neighbours’. Do people know their neighbours in your town/city/country? Is there anything that you think is ‘a bit of a shame’ in your neighbourhood? What do you think people should ‘make more effort’ to do in your neighbourhood?
Gap-fill Watch the video and fill in the gaps in the sentences below: Jemma: I have a guy who lives downstairs from me who’s a bit of a _______ neighbour. Rachel: And they’re, they’re normally just like _________ couples. Edwin: I was a teacher and I needed a good night’s sleep, and they were…_____________. Paul: It’s a __________ area so sometimes post goes missing.