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Tomsk State University. Institute of Biology, Ecology, Soil Science, Agriculture and Forestry (Biological Institute). International Master’s Degree in Biodiversity (in English). Online Winter School. Profound Effects forOur World. January, 24-29, 2022

Tomsk State University

Institute of Biology, Ecology, Soil Science, Agriculture and Forestry (Biological Institute)

International Master’s Degree in Biodiversity (in English)

Online Winter School

The issues of Biodiversity:

Profound Effects forOur World

January, 24-29, 2022                                              ZOOM      

Language: English                                           

Date Time (Tomsk zone) Persons Title  


Monday January, 24

18. 00-18. 15 DanilS. Vorobiev DrSc, Director of the Biological Institute, Head of the Scientific and Production Laboratory of Engineering Surveys and Environmental Management Technologies, Founder of the scientific and technological school of integrated purification of water bodies from oil and petroleum products " Aeroshchup”, TSU assoc. prof. Irina I. Volkova, Cand. Sc. (Biology), Head and Scientific coordinator of the MSc program in Biodiversity, Department of Botany, Biological Institute, TSU Greeting, Videos about Tomsk State University and International Master’s program in Biodiversity
18. 15-18. 55 assoc. prof. Roberto CazzollaGattiPh. D., Associate Professor of Biological Diversity and Conservation at the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences (BiGeA) and member of the BIOME - Biodiversity and Macroecology Lab of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Italy, Visiting Associate Professor of Ecology and Biodiversity at the Biological Institute, TSU, Russia Why Biodiversity Matters
19. 00-19. 40 assoc. prof. Roberto CazzollaGatti The Evolution of Biodiversity

19. 45-20. 25

NinaV. Filippova Cand. Sc. (Biology), senior researcher, Environmental Dynamics and global Climate Change (UNESCO chair), Yugra State University

Open Biodiversity Data, citizen science and GBIF activities in Russia


Tuesday January, 25

15. 00-15. 40 prof. AndreyS. Babenko DrSc, Biological Institute, Head of the Department of Agricultural Biology, TSU Economic Value of Biodiversity
15. 40-16. 20   assoc. prof. Roberto CazzollaGatti Conservation of Biodiversity in Different Ecosystems
16. 20-17. 00 prof. AndreyS. Babenko DrSc, Biological Institute, Head of the Department of Agricultural Biology, TSU Biodiversity Management: Hunting and Fishing  

Wednesday January 26

18. 00-18. 40 prof. Terry V. Callaghan Nobel Laureate, Professor of Arctic Ecology, Director of Centre for Arctic Ecology, University of Sheffield, UK Professor of Botany, TSU, PM, CMG, B. Sc., Ph. D., fil. Dr (Hon. Lund), Ph. D. (Hon. Oulu), Ph. D. (Hon. Tomsk), D. Sc. The Changing Arctic  
18. 40-19. 20 assoc. profYuliaA. FrankCand. Sc. (Biology), Head of the laboratory of " Industrial Microbiology, Department of Ichthyology and Hydrobiology, Biological Institute, TSU Microplastics: Sources, Distribution and Impacts in Water Ecosystems
19. 25-20. 05 assoc. prof. Irina I. Volkova, Cand. Sc. (Biology), Head and Scientific coordinator of the MSc program in Biodiversity, Department of Botany, Biological Institute, TSU assoc. prof. Igor V. Volkov Cand. Sc. (Biology), Department of Botany, Biological Institute, TSU Life at the Margin: Biodiversity Adaptaions to Extreme Environments

Thursday January 27

13. 00-13. 40

assoc. prof. Irina I. Volkova, Cand. Sc. (Biology), Head and Scientific coordinator of the MSc program in Biodiversity, Department of Botany, Biological Institute TSU

Landscape Ecology and Mire Science at the Tomsk State University

13. 40-14. 20 assoc. prof. Margarita N. ShurupovaCand. Sc. (Biology), Department of Botany, Biological Institute, TSU Invisible Living Basis of Ecosystems
14. 25-15. 05 prof. Marina V. OlonovaDrSc, senior research scientist, Biological Institute, Department of Ecology, Nature Management and Environmental Engineering, TSU Ecological Niche Modelling


January 28

18. 00-18. 40 assoc. prof. Irina I. Volkova, Cand. Sc. (Biology), Head and Scientific coordinator of the MSc program in Biodiversity, Department of Botany, Biological Institute, TSU Human Survival: Global Problems of the Changing World
18. 40-19. 20   assoc. profRuslanA. Baghirov Cand. Sc. (Biology), Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Biological Institute, TSU Insects are the Masters of the Planet
19. 25-20. 05 assoc. prof Igor G. KorobitsynCand. Sc. (Biology), Department of Vertebrate Zoology and Ecology, Biological Institute, TSU Vertebrates: How Can We Study Them?


January 29

13. 00 – 13. 30 Asia G. BoltovskayaWinter School Manager, Master’s student in Biodiversity, the head of students’ EcoClub, Biological Institute, TSU Videos about international students of BI. Environmental volunteering in TSU
13. 30-14. 10 Manfredo Alejandro Turcios-CascoMSc in Biodiversity (Biological Institute, TSU), coordinator of wildlife department in central Honduras at Conservation Forestry Institution (ICF) A bat’s tale: A Honduran experience of studying biodiversity in TSU

14. 10-14. 30

Asia G. Boltovskaya Winter School Manager, Master’s student in Biodiversity, the head of students’ EcoClub, Biological Institute, TSU

Reflection after the study & presentation of certificates




Asia G. Boltovskaya, Winter School Manager, ecolifeclubtomsk@mail. ru


assoc. prof. Irina I. Volkova, Head and Scientific coordinator of the MSc program in Biodiversityvolkovhome@yandex. ru



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