The witch, the wizard and the blue cup ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5
Game author: Sinitrena (Inga Heusipp) Release date: 23 Apr 2006 Engine: AGS Language: English
Links: 1. Pages at: AGS, AbandonWiki 2. Walkthrough: UGS 3. Download: archive. org
Walkthrough in English: When you’re asked to stop with the adventure answer “No, I’ll continue”. You won’t get help though. Since you have no clue on what to do look in your inventory. All you have is a broken broom. Let’s see if we can make a new one. Around the house are a lot of objects you can carry with you: on the shelf on the left is some TWINE, on the lower shelf a SAW, on the middle one a SPELLBOOK and on the top one a SPELL. In your inventory use the spell on the spellbook to be able to use the spell. Next to the closet is some LOPPINGS. Use the twine on the loppings. Now you need a broomstick. Walk to the south and on the planks is an AXE. Pick it up and use it on the right on the fence on the right side of the opening to make the opening even wider. Now that you have the board use the saw on it to get a stick. Use the stick on the twine/loppings combination to make it into a real BROOM. Use the levitate spell on it to be able to fly the broom. Use the broom on yourself and ‘walk’ to the right. Pick up the plate of GLASS lying on the ground. Go to the south and on the left is a STONE on the ground. Take this as well. In your inventory look at the stone to see it’s not a stone but SILVER. A bit to the north is a fairy. Talk to it to learn about the blue cup. She knows where it is: on the cave behind the troll. Go to the right, below the rocks until you meet a troll. Not really friendly judging by the sound. Behind the tree next to the wall is a SPELL. Pick it up and use it on your spellbook to be able to use telekinesis. Go north, don’t be afraid of the troll, you can get past him. Meet the wizard. He can let you in to the cave but wants three items first: hair of a fairy, gold dust and sunlight. Go to the left. Look at the tree. There’s a puzzle on it. To solve it, you must put the right colors at the right spot. Number the horizontal axis from left to right, from 1 to 7. Number the vertical axis from top to bottom from 1 to 7. R means ball in ring to empty position, RC means rotate clockwise, RCC means rotate counter clockwise. The solution: rcc2, h3, h2, h1, R, rcc6, h7, h6, h5, h4, h3, h2, h1, rc3, R, rcc6, h7, h6, h5, h4, h3, h2, h1, R, rcc3, v7, rc1, R, rcc3, h7, h6, h5, h4, h3, h2, h1, rc5, R, rcc6, h7, h6, h5, h4, h3, h2, h1, rc6, R, rcc6, h7, h6, h5, h4. The horizontal bar should be correct now. v5, v6, v7, rc2, R, rc6, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, R, rc6, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, rc2, R, rc6, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, rcc3, R, rc6, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, rc3, R, rc6, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, rcc3, R, rc6, v1, v2, v3, v4. The vertical bar is also correct and the ring is green! The tree will open and you can take the GOLD out. Go to the right where the wizard is and go south past the troll. Go left and talk to the fairy again. Ask her for a piece of her hair. She won’t give it you unless you answer a riddle. The answer is Cherry. You can now have a piece of HAIR. Go to the north near the wall and then go left to go back to your house. Use the door to go inside. Put the silver in the cauldron over the fire and it will melt. Use the melted silver on the glass and you have a MIRROR. Leave the house on the south and go to the right back into the forest. At the wall go south and put the gold on the stump in the open space on the left. Go to the right where you the path is the narrowest and notice a disc like shape on the stones. Use your telekinesis power on it and it will rise, go to the left and crush the lump of gold. There’s only GOLD DUST left. Go back to the left and pick it up again. Go back to the right, below the rocks and then to the north past the troll. Meet the wizard again and give him the three items: hair on a fairy, gold dust and put the mirror on the tree stump so he receives a ray of sunlight. You’ll get a new SPELL in return. Use the spell on your spellbook so you can use the stupefy spell. Go south to the troll and use the stupefy spell on him. He’ll be fast asleep. Use the cave to enter. There’s the Blue Cup. Pick it up and your quest is over. by Leon