Read the text and translate it, using a dictionary, if necessary.Read the text and translate it, using a dictionary, if necessary. To begin to understand AGV it is necessary to understand the fundamentals of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). FMS is a means by which a product is manufactured. Rather than using humans to perform repetitive tasks a machine is used to perform that task 24 hours a day. FMS uses computer numerical controlled machines to form a flexible manufacturing cell. Each cell performs a specific task in the manufacturing of a product. Although FMS is fast and efficient it is not cheap because it requires a lot of expensive machines in order to work. Typically, it costs millions of dollars to introduce an FMS into a factory. Rather than using a complete FMS, most companies use part of an FMS (or a flexible manufacturing cell). This is used to produce part of a product by machine and maybe part by other methods. Often one or more automated guided vehicles are used in FMS to connect flexible manufacturing cells together. Navigation. Automated guided vehicles in FMS are used to transport an object from point A to point B. Automated guided vehicles navigate through manufacturing areas with sensors. There are two main sensors which AGVs use for navigation, a wired and a wireless sensor. The newest generation of the automated guided vehicle (AGV) is used to transport motor blocks from one assembly station to another. It is guided by an electrical wire installed in the floor. There are thousands of AGVs transporting products in industry, warehouses, and even hospitals. The wireless navigation is done by mounting retroreflective tape* on walls or machines. The AGV carries a laser transmitter and receiver. The laser beam is sent offand then received again. The angle and (sometimes) distance are automatically calculated and stored into the AGV’s memory. The AGV has reflector map** stored in memory and can correct its position based on errors between the expected and received measurements. It can then navigate to a destination using the constantly updating position. Notes: * retroreflectivetape - отражающаялента; **reflectormap - зд.: информация об отраженном сигнале. Ex. 2. Search the text for the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases: понимать основы; вместо того чтобы использовать …; станки с числовым программным управлением; определять радиочастоту; проводной датчик; беспроводной датчик.