Vocabulary. Ex.1. Ответьтенавопросы. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Vocabulary to go in for sport skiing to do morning exercises skating to jog figure skating to train oneself a skating-rink to take part in / to participate in karate a competition / an event judo a sportsman / an athlete basketball physical training volleyball to keep fit football to get good results an amateur to become a winner a professional summer (winter) sports a match athleticsto win weightliftingto lose rhythmic gymnastics to set (to beat) a record swimming a coach wrestling a supporter / a fan Ex. 1. Ответьтенавопросы. 1. Does sport play important role in your life? 2. Are you good at any sport or games? 3. Have you ever taken part in any sport competitions? 4. Why do many people go in for sports? 5. What is your favorite kind of sport? 6. Do you practice them or watch them on TV? 7. Many people call themselves football fans, basketball fans, hockey fans. Can you call yourselfa fan? 8. What national or international competitions do you know? Ex. 2. a) Прочитайте следующиетекстыоботношениикспортуиответьтенавопрос “Whoisforwatchingandwhoisforparticipating? ” Text I
Mrs. BROWN: I can’t say that sport is very useful. It takes a lot of energy and time. Children often have no time for doing things that teenagers like doing. Sport needs only to work, work and work hard. As a result they have broken legs and arms and other injuries. There is no good in sport, it’s necessary only to be fit. And for it there are PT lessons at school. b) Ответьтенавопросы. - How does Bob prove his point of view? - What reasons does Mrs. Brown give to prove her point of view?