4. Interactions Between the Skeleton, Muscles, and Nerves Move the Body ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 4. Interactions Between the Skeleton, Muscles, and Nerves Move the Body 5. Bones Are Grouped into the Axial Skeleton and the Appendicular Skeleton Bones of the appendicular skeleton facilitate movement, while bones of the axial skeleton protect internal organs. 6. Bones Can Be Classified into Five Types 7. Long Bones Have Three Main Parts to Them 8. Some Bones Produce Red Blood Cells Red bone marrow is soft tissue located in networks of spongy bone tissue inside some bones. In adults the red marrow in bones of the cranium, vertebrae, scapulae, sternum, ribs, pelvis, and at the epiphyseal ends of the large long bones produce blood cells. 9. Some Joints Don't Move or Move Very Little 10. Infants Have More Bones Than Adults An infant skeleton has almost a hundred more bones than the skeleton of an adult. Bone formation begins at about three months gestation and continues after birth into adulthood. An example of several bones that fuse over time into one bone is the sacrum. At birth the sacrum is five vertebrae with discs in between them. The sacrum is fully fused into one bone usually by the fourth decade of life.
Задание: 1. Ознакомьтесь с текстом. 2. Запишите 10 фактов о костной системе. 3. Запишите название костей и переведите на русский язык. Домашнее задание: 1. выучить название костей. 2. Запишите и переведите слова и выражения: 3. Посмотрите видео https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=J8x6tZI2hVI Слова: Bones - Cartilage – Ligaments- vertebral column- spinal cord- Axial Skeleton- Appendicular Skeleton- red marrow-
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