3. verbs denoting feelings and emotions ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 3. verbs denoting feelings and emotions like, dislike, love, hate, want, wish, desire, prefer, … 4. general states consist, contain, appear, seem, possess, own, belong, need, cost, be, … to have 1. to have = to possess (иметь, обладать) NO! People think that I have a bag of money. 2. “to have” is a part of set phrases YES! to have a bath to have breakfast to have a shower to have dinner to have a party to have supper to have a good time to have coffee/tea to have a swim to have trouble to have a bite to have a walk to have a smoke … Where is Mr Brown? – He is having a bath. To think 1. to think = opinion (мнение) NO! I think he is a promising actor. 2. to think = a process which is going on on your mind. YES! He looks upset because he is thinking about the accident. To see To see = to have a meeting with YES! We’re seeing the manager now. Dr. Smith is seeing his patient now. To feel 1. To feel = to examine (the patient) YES! Dr. Smith is feeling the patient’s pulse. 2. “to feel” refers to health or mood YES! Are you feeling better today after your holiday? She is feeling happier now that her mother has come back.