across (x2) / into / over / around (x2) / out/ up / back / along / in ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Fill in the blanks with: across (x2) / into / over / around (x2) / out/ up / back / along / in
I came into a lot of money when I turned 18; I inherited from my aunt. Now I remember! It’s all coming back to me. The truth came out at the trial and the judges came around after they heard the whole story. We are going to the cinema tonight; would you like to come along? The students want to organize a charity event and have come up with some great ideas. My parents are coming over for dinner tonight; I hope you don’t mind! My son ran a marathon race and came in third. I’m so happy and proud of him! Our new colleague comes across as an efficient and friendly member of staff. When she was told her son had had an accident, she fainted but soon came around. I came across an old friend while I was doing the shopping this morning. I hadn’t seen him for years!