Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (2012-13 учебный год)
Муниципальное БЮДЖЕТНОЕ общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа Закрытого административно-территориального образования Видяево» Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (2012-13 учебный год) № ________ 4 класс
I/Use of English I. Какое из этих слов лишнее? Зачеркни его. a) run, jump, like, six. b) cockerel, seven, ten, nine. c) potato, cabbage, sunny, bread. d) winter, Sunday, spring, autumn, summer. e) a fox, a wolf, a bear, a cow, a zebra, an elephant. f) meat, juice, tea, coffee, milk, water.
II. Образуй множественное число следующих существительных:
1. Hand- _____________________ 2. Mouse- _____________________ 3. Tree- _____________________ 4. Boy- _____________________ 5. Hen- _____________________ 6. Teacher- _____________________ 7. Man- _____________________ 8. Tooth- _____________________
III. Соедини антонимы (слова с противоположным значением): 1. merry a) old 2. sunny b) stupid 3. young c) sad 4. long d) cloudy 5. clever e) short 6. cold f) warm 1- c, _____________________________________________________________________
IV. Заполните таблицу, распределите слова по группам: milk, nuts, sweets, fish, carrot, potato, cake, eggs, corn, apple:
V. Подбери погоду (по 2 слова) к каждому времени года:
1-_________, 2-_________, 3-___________, 4- ________.
VI. Составь предложение из данных слов: toboggan, I, to, in, like, winter. Запиши его:
II/Reading V. Прочитайте текст, выполните задания.
Once there were two mice who were friends. One mouse lived in a city, the other mouse lived in the country. One day the Country Mouse asked the City Mouse to come to see him in the country. The Country Mouse took his friend to his home in a field (поле) and gave him some wheat(пшеница) to eat. It was very good wheat. The City Mouse said, ”This wheat is not good and your home is not good. It is cold in winter and hot in summer. I live in a nice house made of stone and eat nice food. Come to see me at my home in the city. ” So the Country Mouse went to the home of the City Mouse. The house was very good and there was nice bread and butter to eat. But when they began to eat they heard something. The City Mouse said quickly, ”Run! Run! The cat is coming! ” And they ran away. In a few minutes they came back. Then the Country Mouse said, ”This is a fine house, but I do not like to live in the city. I only want to live in my field. It is better to be poor* and happy in a field than to be rich* and unhappy in a fine house. ”
I. Определи, какое предложение соответствует тексту-True(T), какое не соответствует- Fauls(F). 1. __ Three mice were very good friends. 2. __ They all lived in a country in summer. 3. __ The City Mouse didn’t like the Country Mouse home. 4. __ The Country Mouse lived in a house made of stone. 5. __ The cat lived in the city.
II. Расставь предложения по порядку. 1-___, 2-___, 3- __, 4-___, 5-___, 6- ___. a. He gave him some wheat to eat. b. The Country Mouse took his friend to his home in a field. c. Once two friends – the City Mouse and the Country Mouse – asked each other to come to see their homes. d. So the country mouse said: ” It is better to be poor and happy in a field than to be rich and unhappy in a fine house. ” e. When two mice went to the home of a City Mouse there was nice bread and butter to eat but they were afraid of a cat. f. The City Mouse didn’t like his home and the food. His home was made of stone.
Writing VI. Напиши письмо своему другу по переписке о твоём домашнем животном. Закончи приведённые ниже предложения: Dear _________________________________________________________________________. I’m writing to tell you about my new_________________________________________________. It’s a __________________________________________________________________________. Its name is ______________________________________________________________________. It has got _______________________________________________________________________. Its favourite food is _______________________________________________________________. It likes to _______________________________________________________________________. Yours, __________________________________________________________________________.