MEDICAL DECLARATION FORM. This is important document, your information is vital to allow health authorities contact you to prevent communicable diseases. Contact information in Viet Nam. If you have any of the followings at present or during the past 14 dСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ MEDICAL DECLARATION FORM This is important document, your information is vital to allow health authorities contact you to prevent communicable diseases ▪ Full name (BLOCK LETTERS): .................................................................................. ▪ Date of Birth: ……………………. Gender: …………………. Nationality: ........................ ▪ Passport number or other legal document: .................................................................. Travel information: Plane □ Ship □ Automobile □ Other (clarify): ..................................... Transportation No.:............................................... Seat No.: ……………………………….. Departure date: ……. /…….. /………………….. Immigation date: …….. /………/................. Place of departure (province/country): .......................................................................... Place of destination (province/country): ......................................................................... In the past 14 days, have you been to any province/city/territory/country? If yes, where?: ……… Contact information in Viet Nam ▪ Staying address: ....................................................................................................... ▪ Tel. /Mob.: ......................................................... Email: …………………………………… If you have any of the followings at present or during the past 14 days (until the date of entry/exit/transit)?
List of vaccines or biologicals used: …………………………………………………………….. History of exposure: During the last 14 days, did you:
The information I have given is true, correct and complete. I understand failure to answer any question may have serious consequences.
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