Health care in:. Great BritainHealth care in: Great Britain - NHS – medical treatment for all who need it. - Most of the coast of the service is paid the taxes the government collects. - The NHS provides a range of services which includeGP services, hospital services, emergency care (known as Accident & Emergency or A& E), mental health, sexual health and social care, all ofwhich are completely free. - GP makes a diagnosisand decides on the treatment necessary or refers the patient to a specialistdoctor in a hospital - GPs usually work in a group practice and see patientsat a surgery or health center. - When medicine is needed, the doctor writesout a prescription which the patient then takes to a chemist's (a pharmacyиспользуетсятолькомед. работниками). - There is a charge for each item prescribed, which is always the sameregardless of its real cost. ( платаодинаковая, независимоотреальной стоимости) - So many categories of people (e. g. pensioners, expectant and nursing mothers) are exempt that only aroundhalf of all the people who are prescribed medicine actually pay for it. - The Secretary of State for Health, a Cabinet minister, is responsible forthe NHS budget. The service is administered at the local level by DistrictHealth Authorities (DHA), which are in turn responsible to the RegionalHealth Authorities (RHA). - У большинства врачей и стоматологов есть частные клиенты, в НЧС есть отделения для частных пациентов и частные больницы. Часто люди платят, чтобы не стоять в очереди. Многие работодатели оплачивают частную мед. страховку своим работникам. The USA - нет NHS - Медицина в основном платная (вы должны всё оплатить и выбрать GP) - Семейный врач часто проводит смотры и делает прививки. (doctorgives his patients regular examinations and inoculations) - The family doctor receivespay directly from the patient. - Детей обычно водят к педиатрам. - it's better to eat right and exercise tostay healthy than to pay a doctor. - And if you get sick you tend to try tocure yourself if possible before going to a doctor. - Врачи часто жалуются, что если бы пациент пришел раньше, то лечение не стоило бы так дорого. (The doctors often complainthat if the patients had come to them sooner it wouldn't have beenso expensive to cure them) - Now there are HMOs (Health MaintenanceOrganizations–организацияобслуживанияздоровья. Организации, объединяющие в себефункциистраховщика и производителямедицинскихуслуг ) where you pay a set fee every year and can go to thedoctor as many times as you want, and it is thought that they may helpcope with this situation. - у многих нет семейного врача, и они обращаются прямо в больницу - Most hospitals have at least the following major departments or unitssurgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, pediatrics and general medicine. Theymay also have trauma and intensive care units, neurosurgical and renal - care units (почечныеотделения), and a psychiatric unit. - The Emergency Room (unit) is a veryspecial area in the hospital. The emergency patients receive immediateattention. - Two thirds of the population have private health insurance. (2\3 населения имею частную страховку) - The greatcost of medical care in the country and the great number of people whocould not pay for it forced the federal government to develop two healthinsurance programs - Medicaid and Medicare. - Medicaid, provides freemedical care for low-income people (малоимущие), the aged, the blind (слепым) and for dependentchildren (детям-иждивенцам). - Medicare is a federal program providing free medical care foraged Americans over 65, for those who in the past had the greatestmedical expenses (те, ктораньшеплатилогромнуюсумму). - Still there are a lot of Americans who cannot affordinsurance but are not poor enough to qualify for government support. In2010 the Affordable Care Act (ACA), (законодоступноймед. помощи) also known as Obamacare, was signedinto law to help such people.
Russia - Healthcare in Russia is free to all residents through a compulsory state health insurance program. (через программу обязательного госуд. мед. страхования) - the public healthcare system has faced much criticism due to poor organizational structure, lack of government funds, outdated medical equipment, and poorly paid staff. - Many expats in Russia choose private medical treatment which is widely available in many areas. Patients access doctors, dentists, and medical specialists through the state system or privately. - The Russian Ministry of Health (министерствоздравоохранения in Russian) oversees the Russian public healthcare system, and the sector employs more than two million people. Federal regions also have their own departments of health (e. g., Moscow Department of Health) that oversee local administration. (Федеральные регионы также имеют свои собственные департаменты здравоохранения (например, Департамент здравоохранения Москвы), которые контролируют местную администрацию. ) - Every Russian citizen and resident receives free public healthcare under the Russian healthcare system via Obligatory Medical Insurance (OMI). (Каждый гражданин и резидент России получает бесплатное государственное медицинское обслуживание в рамках российской системы здравоохранения через обязательное медицинское страхование (ОМС). ) - You can usually make an appointment by calling your clinic, and appointments are available both in the daytime and in the evening in some cases. - You can choose which family doctor (vratch) you register with, although if you’re using a state healthcare scheme, you’ll need to ensure your doctor is contracted to provide state healthcare. - When you register with the doctor (and later when you visit), you should provide proof of your Russian health insurance. - Some health centers (polyklinika) in Russia are associated with hospitals, and employ both GPs and specialists. - As in many other countries, a family doctor can refer you for further treatment, or provide you with a prescription allowing you to pick up medicine at a Russian pharmacy. - Dental care in Russia is usually paid for either separately or as an additional extra on a private healthcare insurance package
The basic medical unit in our country is the polyclinic. Polyclinics are large medical centres employing many doctors and nurses. Polyclinics have their own laboratories and X-ray, physiotherapy, surgical and dental departments. We have polyclinics for the adult population and for children. Ambulant patients are seen at the polyclinic by district doctors. Patients who are seriously ill are visited by their district doctor at home. The doctor works 6 hours a day. For the district doctor this is made up of 3 hours seeing patients at the polyclinic and 3 hours in visiting patients in their homes. Основным медицинским подразделением в нашей стране является поликлиника. Поликлиники - это крупные медицинские центры, в которых работает много врачей и медсестер. Поликлиники располагают собственными лабораториями и рентгенологическими, физиотерапевтическими, хирургическими и стоматологическими отделениями. У нас есть поликлиники как для взрослого населения, так и для детей. Амбулаторных пациентов осматривают в поликлинике участковые врачи. Тяжелобольных пациентов участковый врач посещает на дому. Врач работает 6 часов в день. Для участкового врача это составляет 3 часа приема пациентов в поликлинике и 3 часа посещения пациентов на дому.
The emergency ambulance service operates day and night and is free of charge. The ambulances are equipped with diagnostic, respiratory and anaesthetic apparatus, as well as blood-transfusion and other devices, which enable the doctor to give emergency surgical and medical treatment. Служба скорой медицинской помощи работает днем и ночью и является бесплатной. Машины скорой помощи оснащены диагностическими, дыхательными и анестезиологическими аппаратами, а также устройствами для переливания крови и другими устройствами, которые позволяют врачу оказывать неотложную хирургическую и медицинскую помощь.
There are several specialised hospitals in Russia for the treatment of particular diseases – infectious and psychiatric diseases, cancer and ophthalmological diseases and others. The Mother-and-Child Health Care Centre is in Moscow. This Centre deals with not only routine problems of obstetrics and gynaecology but also with research in the normal physiology of a female organism starting from an early stage of development. The main task of this centre is to ensure the birth of a healthy child. В России существует несколько специализированных больниц для лечения конкретных заболеваний – инфекционных и психиатрических заболеваний, онкологических и офтальмологических заболеваний и других. Центр охраны здоровья матери и ребенка находится в Москве. Этот центр занимается не только рутинными проблемами акушерства и гинекологии, но и исследованиями в области нормальной физиологии женского организма, начиная с ранней стадии развития. Главнаязадачаэтогоцентра - обеспечитьрождениездоровогоребенка.
At present, there have emerged a number of private diagnostic and consultation centres, general hospitals and specialised clinics. Medical and health care is provided in line with compulsory and voluntary medical insurance programmes set up by the state via private insurance companies. В настоящее время появился ряд частных диагностических и консультационных центров, больниц общего профиля и специализированных клиник. Медицинская и медицинская помощь оказывается в соответствии с программами обязательного и добровольного медицинского страхования, созданными государством через частные страховые компании.