


Случайная статья



Дата: 21. 10. 2021 г.

Номер группы: ЗГ-23

Дисциплина: ОГСЭ 03 «Иностранный язык»

Тема занятия: Гидравлика:

1. Прочитайте текст. Источник, где вы сможете найти транскрипцию слова или можете прослушать правильное чтение незнакомого слова: https: //wooordhunt. ru/ 

2. Переведите текст. Источник, с помощью которого вы можете посмотреть значение незнакомых слов: https: //www. translate. ru/


Hydraulics is the applied science of the laws of motion (see hydrodynamics of droplet liquids and gases), the equilibrium of liquids (see hydrostatics) and ways of applying these laws to solving problems of engineering practice

Unlike hydromechanics, hydraulics is characterized by a special approach to the study of fluid flow phenomena: it establishes approximate dependencies, limiting itself in many cases to the consideration of one-dimensional motion, while making extensive use of experiment, both in laboratory and in-situ conditions.

 Some principles of hydrostatics were established by Archimedes, the emergence of hydrodynamics also dates back to the ancient period, but the formation of hydraulics as a science begins in the middle of the XV century, when Leonardo da Vinci initiated the experimental method in hydraulics with laboratory experiments. In the XVI—XVII centuries, S. Stevin, G. Galileo and B. Pascal developed the basics of hydrostatics as a science, and E. Torricelli gave a well-known formula for the velocity of the fluid flowing out of the hole.

In the future, I. Newton expressed the main provisions on internal friction in liquids. In the XVIII century, D. Bernoulli and L. Euler developed general equations of motion of an ideal fluid, which served as the basis for the further development of hydromechanics and hydraulics.

 Hydraulics is usually divided into two parts:

* theoretical foundations of hydraulics, which outlines the most important provisions of the doctrine of equilibrium and fluid motion,

* practical hydraulics, applying these provisions to the solution of particular issues of engineering practice.

The main sections of practical hydraulics:

* pipeline hydraulics - flow through pipes;

* hydraulics of open channels (dynamics of channel flows) - flow in channels and rivers;

* outflow of liquid from the hole and through the weirs;

* hydraulic filtration theory provides methods for calculating the flow rate and velocity of water in various conditions of non-pressure and pressure flows (filtration of water through dams, filtration of oil, gas and water in reservoir conditions, filtration from channels, inflow to ground wells, etc. );

• hydraulics of structures — flow and solid barriers.

In all these sections, the fluid motion is considered as steady and unsteady (unsteady).

The main sections of theoretical hydraulics:

* hydrostatics;

* hydrodynamics;

* kinematic hydraulics.

3. Ответьте на вопросы на английском языке:

What does hydraulics study?

Which sections of hydraulics belong to the theoretical and practical part?

Критерии оценивания:

Отметка «5» ставится, если правильно переведен текст и грамматически правильно даны ответы на вопросы.

Отметка «4» ставится, если в переводе текста и в ответах допущено от 1 до 4 ошибок

Отметка «3» ставится, если в переводе текста и в ответах допущено от 5 до 8 ошибок


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Орлова Н. Н. - orlowa. nina1979@yandex. ru



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