


Случайная статья

Conclusion. Example 3


The amount of dry lime chloride for a decontamination 1000 м3 of water = 10 kilogrammes.


Example 3

 Write your conclusion about the quality of water after the purifying and disinfection:


 The results of analysis

Smell - 3, smack – 2, Colouring of water - 30 degrees, turbidity - 1, 5 mg/l, transparence – 30 centimetre, temperature - 8 degrees, Sodium chloridums - 350 mg/l, the contents of sulfases - up to 500 mg/l, water hardness - 10 mg-eq/l, Ammonia - 0, 2 mg/l, nitrites - 0, 4 mg/l,

Nitrates - up to 10- mg/, Oxidizability 2-4 mg /l.  iron - 0, 6 mg/1, fluorine - 0, 8 mg/l, Common microbial number - 200 in 1 ml, Coli-index - 10 in 1 litre,



A purifying and disinfection of water is not carries out sufficiently. The water must be cleaned and disinfected in addition. It is necessary to increase a dose of dry lime chloride for a decontamination 1 cubic meter water.


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