What about the …..?What about the …man?What about ….?What about ..again? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Can`t we feel its wounds? What about nature`s worth? It`s out planet`s ……. What about ………? We`ve turned kingdoms to ……... What about ……….? Have we lost their trust? What about crying ……..? We are ravaging(devastando) …….. What about …. trails(senderos, huellas) ……. despite our pleas(sù plicas)What about the ….. …….? Torn apart by creed(credo, creencia)What about the common …..? Can`t we set him free? What about …….. dying? Can`t you hear them ……. ? Where did we go ………? Someone tell me whyWhat about ……..? What about the …….? What about all their joy? What about the …..? What about the …………man? What about ……….? What about .. again? Do we give a damn???!