2. Attentiveness and focus. 3. Practicing2. Attentiveness and focus Mathematics classrooms are either boring or fun, there’s absolutely no in-between.
For students who love mathematics, it’s fun and for students who lack self-confidence and self-belief, it is boring and maybe even traumatizing.
Most of the time, it is been noticed that in mathematics lectures almost 70% of the class is un-attentive and engaged in talking or mischief.
If a student wants to improve their grades or is struggling with clarity of the concepts, the best way is to, be attentive in the class. If students focus on the lectures that are being conducted in schools, students can easily understand the concepts and improve their grades.
Many students find it hard to focus because of other students disturbing them, in such scenario’s students can change their seats in mathematics lecture to focus on the topics being taught to them Students at times do not understand the concept being taught in class even after being attentive and focused, for this, students need to interfere with the teacher and ask them their doubts, they should not feel anxious and must not overthink. Students must always be attentive and ask questions in class no matter how silly that doubt may look to them 3. Practicing Mathematics can only be understood by adopting the habit of regular practice. Students must always revise, whatever the topic that is being taught to them in class.
By practicing, students can strengthen their skills and gain confidence in the class and during the examination or tests. Regular practice may also benefit students during surprise tests and assignments.
Students should take at least one hour out of their time to spend on practicing the already known concepts and problems, many a times students feel like they have understood the concepts and do not require to practice, and so it is the case, but lack of practice might interfere with their skills and they might get confused between similar concepts in future.