Tell Him- Celine Dion. Pre-listening Activities. 1.Warm up questions. (i)Do you know where Celine Dion is from?. (ii) Do you know how she became a famous singer?. (iii) Do you know any other songs she sings?. 2. Vocabulary Activity. Fill-in the blanks usiTell Him- Celine Dion Pre-listening Activities 1. Warm up questions (i)Do you know where Celine Dion is from? (ii) Do you know how she became a famous singer? (iii) Do you know any other songs she sings? 2. Vocabulary Activity Fill-in the blanks using the words in the box below. There are some extras.
1. I offered her a nice meal out, but she.................... 2. When I saw Brenda, she was................................... something to Jane’s ear. 3. I felf myself rather................... when I accidentally fell down in the middle of the class. 4. I was so scared that I couldn’t sleep till morning. 5. I don’t like the people who are................ towards animals. 6. He looked so excited. He...................... lots during his speech. 7. May I get your rubber, please? I need to...................... these drafts. 8. These questions seem rather hard to the students. I................... that they will face difficulties in solving them. 9. All of a sudden, his........................ started to slow down, and he eventually died. 10. He has always had a great...................... to be a famous football player.
3. WHILE-LISTENING ACTIVITIES Listen to the song carefully and fill in the spaces I'm 1. ..................... So afraid to show I care Will he think me weak If I 2. ................... when I speak Oooh - what if There's another one he's thinking of Maybe he's in love I'd feel like a 3. ................... Life can be so 4. .................. I don't know what to do I've been there With my heart out in my hand But what you must understand You can't let the 5. ................. To love him pass you by Tell him Tell him that the sun and moon Rise in his eyes