Liaison/Constituency: African American/LGBT ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Liaison/Constituency: African American/LGBT Event: Bronner Brothers International Hair Show Date(s): February 18-21, 2012 Location: Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA Brief Description (including expected attendance): The Bronner Brothers International Hair Show brings together close to 10, 000 men and women from various backgrounds-beauty, politics, entertainment, etc. The show has been in existence since 1947 and has attracted many well renowned speakers including Jackie Robinson, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Dr. Benjamin Mays. The show exposes delegates to the world of beauty through hands-on-classes, creative presentations and a very energetic trade floor, and upcoming technology. The expected attendance for this event is 5, 000 – 10, 000 people. Is there a White House component? Yes__ No_X_ If so, please describe: ___________________________________________________________________ Is there an OFA component? Yes_X_ No__ If so, please describe: We will need the OFA GA State Director and at least 10 volunteers to man the booth. The State Director and volunteers will have attendees’ complete “I’m In” cards, purchase campaign paraphernalia and become informed on campaign endeavors and Administration accomplishments. Additionally, OFA staff will wear campaign/DNC paraphernalia while walking around the event’s venue. Recommended DNC activity (including other departments/re: comms component etc): Request the presence of Kimberly Marcus, Regena Thomas and Steven Walker to attend the event. Thomas and Walker can speak during one of the show’s breakout sessions. Why are you recommending this event/what deliverables do we obtain/Explain next steps following event: This event attracts close to 10, 000 men and women, with a large percentage represented in the African American community. These men and women come to the show for educational and informational purposes and are more receptive to receiving knowledgeable information from organizations/entities. Additionally, attendees are those that support the President, but have been unengaged since 2009. Estimated cost: $150. 00 Per Person, $1, 900/booth or $2, 000/booth (cost excludes staff travel) Please provide detailed breakdown of expenditure: Registration $150/per person, 10’ x 10’ booth-(In-line Booth) $1, 900, 10’ x 10’ booth-(Corner Booth) $2, 000, Plus Travel, Plus Hotel Please note any specific deadlines: ASAP, January 1, 2012 was the deadline for exhibitors