Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски А-F частями предложений, обозначенных цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1 -7 лишняя. Занесите BLUE ABYSS
We dream about a better world and a more sustainable future for today's society and for future generations. As human beings, A) ___ for answers to fly higher, to dive deeper, to understand our planet better, and to discover what is out there. “Blue Abyss” is among B) ___. This state-of-the-art facility aims to become the world’s premier deep-sea and space C) ___ centre. It is the Brainchild of ex forces diving instructor and technology consultant John Vickers. This globally unique aquatic centre will house the largest and deepest indoor pool of its kind. The pool D) ___ to accommodate for a variety of activities and simultaneous use, leading down to the 50m shaft. On one side of the pool, a large table-like area at 12m will be able to house, for example, E) ___ for commercial astronaut training. Behind the facility’s sweeping design is F) ___ the greatest changes on London’s skyline. 1. a mock section of the International Space Station 2. reality is just around the corner 3. we are constantly exploring, constantly searching 4. eminent architect Robin Partington, whose work has shaped 5. will have several entrance points and feature multi-stepped depths 6. the most ground-breaking projects of its time 7. extreme environment research, training and test
ANSWERS: A-3, B-6, C-7, D-5, E-1, F-4