7 Natural Wonders of the World ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 The Seven Natural Wonders of the world are only a few of what can be considered the most beautiful and amazing natural occurrences in today's world. Our planet is full of amazing and wonderful sights that make it more than worth trying to save.
1. The Grand Canyon is found in the US in the state of Arizona. Created over 6 million years ago by the Colorado River the canyon is over 277miles long, ranges from 4-18miles in width and has a depth of 6000ft.
2. The Great Barrier Reef stretching over 1, 600miles covering an area of 133, 000sq miles is the largest coral reef on earth, located in the coral sea of the northeast coast of Queensland, Australia. The reef contains 2, 900 individual reefs and 900 islands and in 1981 was selected as a World Heritage Site.
5. Aurora Borealis, also known as the northern lights is a display of natural lights in the sky, typically occurring the in ionosphere and better noticeable at night. Occurring only in places in the northern hemisphere, and its southern counterpart in South America, Antarctica and Australasia. 6. Parí cutin Volcano, in Mexico began its life as a fissure in a cornfield on February 20 1943, after a year it has grown to 336m, and now stands at 424 tall. After its last eruption in 1952, now mono-genetic it will never erupt again.
These are the seven natural wonders of the world, some of the most beautiful places, created my nature itself, thankfully unspoiled by man. They are breathtaking, magical and wonderful.