My salary is $60,000 a year. (= I earn $60,000 a year).C. Pay Most workers are paid (= receive money) every month and this pay goes directly unto their bank account. It is called a salary. We can express the same idea using the verb to earn: My salary is $60, 000 a year. (= I earn $60, 000 a year). With many jobs you get (= receive) holiday pay and sick pay (when you are ill). If you want to ask about holidays, you can say: How much holiday do you get? or How many weeks' holiday does you get? The total amount of money you receive in a year is called your income. This could be your salary from one job, or the salary from two different jobs you have. And on this income you have to pay part to the government - called income tax. D. Working hours For many people in Britain, these are 8. 30-9. 00 a. m. to 5. 00-5. 30 p. m. Consequently, people often talk about a nine-to-five job (= regular working hours). Some people have flexi-time (= they can start an hour or so earlier or finish later); and some have to do shiftwork (= working at different times, e. g. days one week and nights the next week). Some people also work overtime (= work extra hours). Some people are paid to do/work overtime, others are not paid.
Exercises 63. 1. March the verbs on the left with the nouns or phrases on the nght. Use each word once only.
63. 2. Starting with the words you are given, rewrite each of these sentences using vocabulary from the opposite page. The basic meaning must stay the same. Example: I’m a banker. I work in banking. 1. What do you do? What’s ……………………………… 2. I earn $50, 000 dollars. My …………………………………. 3. I get £ 20, 000 from my teaching job and another £ 10, 000 from writing. My total …………………………….. 4. I am a chemist. I work for …………………………… 5. In my job I have to look after and maintain all the computers in the building. My job involves ……………………. 6. I’m responsible for one of the smaller departments. I’m in ………………………………..