Smitten. I Really Want To Say. Valentine's Day Poems. Love Is Like Cabbage. 5 Little Valentines ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Smitten by Patrick Winstanley You are the bow I am the arrow You are the wheel I am the barrow
You are the cripple I am the crutch You are the rabbit I am the hutch
You are the hand I am the glove Yes, I'm a mitten Smitten by love I Really Want To Say by Paul Curtis I really want to say to you Just how precious you are to me I really want to say to you That I know you are the one for me I really want to speak to you of love But here is the twister I really can’t talk to you of love Because I’m in love with your sister
Puppy Love Those deep blue eye Roses Are Red Roses are red Valentine's Day Poems Valentines, valentines Red, white and blue I’ll make a nice one And send it to you.
HEART (can be sung to the tune of BINGO) To show you like your special friend, Just give them each a heart, H. E. A. R. T, H. E. A. R. T, H. E. A. R. T, Each heart says I like you. Valentine’s Day Song You’re a special friend of mine, Love Is Like Cabbage My love is like cabbage 5 Little Valentines Five little valentines were having a race Love is a Circle Love is a circle,
Valentine so bright and gay,