


Случайная статья

The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar

The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar

- CH2


Scoop –зачерпнуть, набрат

Serenity - безмятежность

Wonderstruck - изумленный

Exalted – вдохновленный, одухотворенный

Yearn - тосковать

Conscious - сознательный

Scattered - рассеянный

Humble – скромный, покорный

Wander - блуждать

Trench – канава, траншея

Smoulder - тлеть

Stoke – поддержвать огонь

Goggles – защитные очки

Charcoal – древесный уголь

Singe - опалить

sole - подошва

hem - кайма

And behold! И, о чудо!

Mauve - пурпурный

Quiver - дрожать

Flimsy - хлипкий

Somersault - сальто

fidget - ерзать

snug - уютный

sheath – оболочка, ножны

wick - фитиль


Reading. Translate in the literary style

When he was inside the bedroom, he locked the door. He drew all the curtains so that the place was in twilight. He put the candle-holder with the candle in it on the dressing-table and pulled up a chair. When he sat down, he noticed with satisfaction that his eyes were exactly level with the wick of the candle. Now, using the ruler, he positioned his face sixteen inches from the candle, which was what the book said must be done.

That Indian fellow had visualized the face of the person he loved best, which in his case was a brother. Henry didn't have a brother. He decided instead to visualize his own face. This was a good choice because when you are as selfish and self-centred as Henry was, then one's own face is certainly the face one loves best of all. Moreover, it was the face he knew best of all. He spent so much time looking at it in the mirror, he knew every twist and wrinkle. With his cigarette-lighter, he lit the wick. A yellow flame appeared and burned steadily.

Henry sat quite still and stared into the candle-flame. The book had been quite right. The flame, when you looked into it closely, did have three separate parts. There was the yellow outside. Then there was the mauve inner sheath. And right in the middle was the tiny magic area of absolute blackness. He stared at the tiny black area. He focused his eyes upon it and kept staring at it, and as he did so, an extraordinary thing happened. His mind went absolutely blank, and his brain ceased fidgeting around, and all at once it felt as though he himself, his whole body, was actually encased within the flame, sitting snug and cosy within the little black area of nothingness.



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