2. Paraphrase. 3. Answer the questions. 10. Give the alternative ending of the story.. 4. Explain the word combinations and phrases. 5. Let’s talk! ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 2. Paraphrase Offer full valet coverage; to be in earshot; a task for sissies; in civvy street; in jest; banter;
3. Answer the questions 1. What was there inside the shopping mall? 2. In what meaning is the word “to employ” used here? 3. What did Santas rotate? 4. Why did they address each other as ‘Santa”? 5. What did Santas come to the buffet one by one? 6. What suggestion on figuring out the imposter did one of the Santas make? What other ideas were voiced? 7. Why did the Santas have to work for Whiteoaks? 8. What did the Santas do? 9. What is the meaning of the story? 10. Give the alternative ending of the story.
4. Explain the word combinations and phrases
· It did not unleash its reindeer until Halloween had been wholly remaindered. · It was almost certainly where Capital Letters went to Die. · Santa-ing was not an easy undertaking. · The words carried a weight a non-Santa couldn’t hope to understand. · The Santas recoiled in horror.
5. Let’s talk! Speak for 2 minutes on the following: · If I were Santa, I would…