Exercise 24 In each blank, write the most appropriate of the words studied earlier or their derivatives. 1. The President refused to either__________ or deny the rumour that Mr. N. would be__________ ambassador to New Zealand. 2. The new ambassador, a generous Republican________ presented his_________ to the Court of St James. He was not a__________ diplomat but his__________ for the embassy in London had been_________ by the Senate, which, in fact, had agreed to all the other president's___ 3. The issue of development in the UNO and in the programmes of countries is focused on the problem of poverty. 4. The permanent members should use their position not only in the interest of their_________ countries but also in the interest of the international community. 5. The farmers received_________ subsidies from the government. 6. Since her__________ she has had to deal with two major crises as ambassador. Thanks to her energy and______she was a success. 7. It was the commercial__________ of the Venetian merchants that drove their government to war with Genoa. 8. He came from a less__________ background — the illegitimate son of an actress. 9. There can be no_________ for using nuclear weapons. 10. The employees have expressed________ anger at being given extra work. All extra work should be done on a purely basis. 11. The secretary ordered plane tickets by phone and received of the purchase in the mail. 12. The judge did not feel the thief had any__________ for breaking the law. 13. As a skilled worker, he earned a very__________ wage. 14. It was through the ___________ of their friends that they were able to keep the farm operating.
Exercise 25 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the following words. There is one word too many:
1. Mr. Alatas has made it clear that he would not convene talks unless he was convinced of the of all the parties. 2. The latest attempt at______________________ broke down on Friday after one of Mohawk factions walked out of_____________. 3. Each country____________ one official who did much of the groundwork. 4. D. H. even managed to squeeze in a few hours in Strasbourg, ___________ the European parliament before arriving in Helsinki. 5. Last night J. D. was accused of sabotaging thousands of British jobs for the sake of personal. 6. The American Ambassador in Delhi______________ that his country____________ India and Pakistan to hold talks to try to avert the____________ of war over Kashmir. 7. Mr. U. ____________ the need for a preventive UN force to ___________ to hot spots before hostilities break out.
Exercise 26 Translate the following into English using some of the studied vocabulary.
Иногда подбор в американские зарубежные представительства доходит до анекдотических случаев. Характерен в этом смысле ставший в 19... году широко известным факт назначения на пост посла США на Цейлоне владельца 129 магазинов женского платья некоего Г. только потому, что он пожертвовал во время избирательной компании 37 тыс. долларов в фонд республиканской партии. Что собой представлял этот американский посол, можно видеть из опубликованной во всех крупных американских и европейских газетах записи беседы этого претендента в сенатской комиссии США. Для американской практики подбора кадров на такие высшие дипломатические посты, как пост посла, назначение Г., обусловленное внесением с его стороны большой суммы денег в избирательный фонд республиканской партии, представляет собой не единичный случай. Такие послы США, как бывший посол в Англии У., бывший посол в Бонне Б., а также послы в ряде других стран своим назначением были обязаны прежде всего своим взносам в избирательный фонд правящей партии. Как видно, для дипломатического аппарата США стало характерно назначение на дипломатические должности, особенно послов, представителей крупных монополий, сочетающих дипломатическую деятельность с коммерческими операциями в пользу своих монополий и рассматривающих дипломатические посты как своеобразную награду за поддержку во время избирательной кампании той или иной партии. Working in pairs 1. Find as many sentences in the text as you can which clearly mean the opposite to what is felt. 2. Explain what ideas the author wants to convey to us through the sentences you have found.