Jury challenges. Jury verdict ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Jury challenges The opportunity for the defence to influence the composition of the jury was eliminated in 1988 when the defence's right of peremptory challenge was completely abolished. In contrast, the prosecution's right to stand jurors by is unchanged. Both sides have this right to challenge for cause, but it is of limited use in practice. Jury verdict Ideally the verdict of the juries must be unanimous but in 1967 majority verdicts of ten to two were introduced or in some cases nine to one if the jury has been reduced during the trial. This is now provided in the Juries Act 1974. However if the jury have failed to reach a unanimous verdict after what the judge considers reasonable period of deliberation (not less than two hours), the judge can direct them that they may reach a majority verdict. The foreman of the jury must state in open court the number of jurors agreeing and disagreeing with the verdict.