English Dictionary
| dictionary. oed. com/
| Language
Salem, Mass. /Witch Trials
| library. thinkquest. org
| Language
| webapps. calvin. edu/knightcite/index. php
| Language
Laura Ingalls Wilder go to --/~irby1/laura/frames. html
| webpages. marshall. edu/
| Language
read Fables online
| www. AesopFables. com
| Language
American Girl
| www. americangirl. com
| Language
America’s Library
| www. americaslibrary. gov
| Language
Shakespeare Lessons
| www. bardweb. net
| Language
| www. beginningreading. com
| Language
Language games
| www. better-english. com
| Language
| www. citationmachine. net
| Language
First 100 words
| www. duboislc. org/EducationWatch/First100Words. html
| Language
grade 2-3 phonics software
| www. essentialskills. net
| Language
Cliff Notes
| www. gradesaver. com
| Language
Handwriting for Kids
| www. handwritingforkids. com
| Language
reading site
| www. headsprout. com
| Language
The Savvy Teacher: Reading Interventions That Really Work
| www. interventioncentralorg/download. shtml
| Language
Jim Wrighton Line follow link pdfdocs/brouge/rdngManual. PDF
| www. jimwrightonline. com/
| Language
Kids Reads
| www. kidsreads. com
| Language
Term paper citation
| www. landmark-project. com/citation_machine/index. php
| Language
Links to Literature
| www. linkstoliterature. com
| Language
Classic Literature
| www. literature. org/authors/
| Language
read children's books online
| www. magickeys. com/books/index. html
| Language
Language games alta/games/vocab
| www. murrieta. k12. ca. us/
| Language
My Report Links
| www. myreportlinks. com
| Language
Myth Web
| www. mythweb. com
| Language
Put Reading First
| www. nifl. gov/partnershipforreading/publications/reading_first1. html
| Language
| www. noodletools. com
| Language
Noodle Tools
| www. noodletools. com/login. php
| Language
Reference dictionary
| www. oxfordreference. com
| Language
| www. penpalworld. com/
| Language
Poetry for Kids
| www. poetry4kids. com
| Language
Prestwick House - Books
| www. prestwickhouse. com
| Language
| www. quoteland. com
| Language
Reading Tutors
| www. reading-tutors. com
| Language
Read Naturally
| www. readnaturally. com
| Language
| www. renaissance. dm. net/
| Language
Salem, Mass. /Witch Trials
| www. salemweb. com
| Language
| www. scholastic. com
| Language
Learning to Read K-2
| www. starfall. com
| Language
SAT vocabulary
| www. superkids. com
| Language
Books by Andy Bowman
| www. unclesiggie. com
| Language
| www. wecosoft. com/school/English/nouns2. htm
| Language
Webster Dictionary
| www. wordcentral. com/
| Language
AVL-Annals of American History Online
| america. eb. com/
| Language Arts
Anything *avl. lib. al. us*
| Anything *. avl. lib. al. us/*
| Language Arts
Anything *hwwilsonweb. com*
| Anything *. hwwilsonweb. com/*
| Language Arts
AVL-Auto repair reference center
| arrc. epnet. com/autoasp/index. asp? sid=282132577& uid=s8524205. main. autorefctr
| Language Arts
| citationmachine. net
| Language Arts
AVL- Business and Company Resource Center
| galenet. galegroup. com/servlet/BCRC; jsessionid=FC34FA4776312E5508C54BF6200447A5? locID=avl_lmst
| Language Arts
AVL-Serials Solutions
| hn7bk5pw5s. search. serialssolutions. com/
| Language Arts
AVL-Gale Virtual Reference Library NEW
| ind. galegroup. com/gvrl/start. do? prodId=GVRL& userGroupName=avl_lmst
| Language Arts
AVL- Ethnic NewsWatch
| proquest. umi. com/login
| Language Arts
Reading ideas
| reading. uoregon. edu
| Language Arts
AVL-Britannica Online School Edition
| school. eb. com/
| Language Arts
AVL-Britannica Online
| search. eb. com/
| Language Arts
EBSCO login
| src2. epnet. com/School/Search. aspx? sid=0d689e3d-e35e-4c78-a5cb-2d655f785add%40SRCSM1& vid=6711276
| Language Arts
AVL- Student Research Center NEW (replacesMAS Ultra - School Edition & Middle Search Plus)
| src2. epnet. com/School/Search. aspx? sid=17674fda-6c1f-498f-9855-e750dafce19a%40SRCSM1& vid=10118090
| Language Arts
AVL-Biography Reference Bank
| vnweb. hwwilsonweb. com/hww/shared/shared_main. jhtml; jsessionid=APLKFUJUX3VE5QA3DIKSFGOADUNGIIV0? _requestid=56072
| Language Arts
AVL- Business Index
| web1. infotrac. galegroup. com/itw/infomark/0/1/1/purl=rc6_BI? sw_aep=avl_lmst
| Language Arts
AVL-Contemporary Literary Criticism
| web1. infotrac. galegroup. com/itw/infomark/0/1/1/purl=rc6_CLC? sw_aep=avl_lmst
| Language Arts
AVL-Expanded Academic ASAP
| web1. infotrac. galegroup. com/itw/infomark/0/1/1/purl=rc6_EAIM? sw_aep=avl_lmst
| Language Arts
AVL-General Reference Center Gold
| web1. infotrac. galegroup. com/itw/infomark/0/1/1/purl=rc6_GRGM? sw_aep=avl_lmst
| Language Arts
AVL- InfoTrac OneFile
| web1. infotrac. galegroup. com/itw/infomark/0/1/1/purl=rc6_ITOF? sw_aep=avl_lmst
| Language Arts
| web1. infotrac. galegroup. com/itw/infomark/0/1/1/purl=rc6_LT? sw_aep=avl_lmst
| Language Arts
AVL- Professional Collection NEW
| web1. infotrac. galegroup. com/itw/infomark/0/1/1/purl=rc6_SP00? sw_aep=avl_lmst
| Language Arts
AVL- InfoTrac Student Edition
| web1. infotrac. galegroup. com/k12/infomark/0/1/1/purl=rc6_STO? sw_aep=avl_lmst
| Language Arts
| web11. epnet. com/search. asp? tb=1& _ug=sid+285ED409%2DC4A1%2D4723%2D91C2%2D6AEDD27F46A6%40sessionmgr6+dbs+eric+cp+1+2F62& _us=hs+False+ss+SO+sm+KS+FD29& _uso=hd+False+db%5B0+%2Deric+1682& newsrch=1
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AVL- Business Source Premier
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| Language Arts
AVL- Clinical Pharmacology
| web11. epnet. com/search. asp? tb=1& _ug=sid+D785B4FD%2D009E%2D4FDA%2D8310%2D6D5BA56C73C5%40sessionmgr6+dbs+czh+cp+1+9156& _us=hs+False+ss+SO+sm+KS+FD29& _uso=hd+False+db%5B0+%2Dczh+F850& newsrch=1
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AVL-EBSCOhost Web (French) (German) (Spanish)
| web11. epnet. com/selectdb. asp? tb=1& _ug=sid+41D69FDA%2D0E45%2D47A9%2D904B%2D85E3DA0EB475%40sessionmgr6+1B21& ft=1
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AVL- Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
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AVL- Vocational and Career Collection
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| Language Arts
AVL- Health Source: Consumer Edition
| web31. epnet. com/search. asp? tb=1& _ug=sid+A138BD5E%2D8A9B%2D41BA%2D9649%2DA3D38E924238%40sessionmgr3+dbs+hxh+cp+1+671C& _us=hs+True+ss+SO+sm+KS+716B& _uso=hd+False+db%5B0+%2Dhxh+E8F2& newsrch=1
| Language Arts
AVL- History Reference Center
| web31. epnet. com/search. asp? tb=1& _ug=sid+E439705E%2DFF39%2D4880%2DA84F%2DE3F52D301FAA%40sessionmgr3+dbs+khh+cp+1+E123& _us=hs+True+ss+SO+sm+KS+716B& _uso=hd+False+db%5B0+%2Dkhh+65AB& newsrch=1
| Language Arts
AVL- Newspaper Source
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| Language Arts
Spanish tutorials and games
| www. donquijote. org/spanishlanguage/games/
| Language Arts
| www. encyclopedia. com/
| Language Arts
Song -- John Henry
| www. ibiblio. org/john_henry/songlist. html
| Language Arts
Spanish tutorials and games
| www. learn-spanish-language-software. com/games/
| Language Arts
Spanish tutorials and games
| www. orbislingua. com/ekbi. htm
| Language Arts
Quiz list - Elkmont
| www. quizlist. net/(2hezhc55uuyjiiuogmpxbfu5)/search. aspx? id=10800
| Language Arts
Famous quotations
| www. quotesforall. com/
| Language Arts
| www. readinga-z. com/members/
| Language Arts