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College Information careerkey. org Guidance
College Information get-recruited. com/ Guidance
College Information www. 1-800-go-guard. com Guidance
College Information www. adventuresineducation. org Guidance
College Information www. aie. org Guidance
College Information www. alabamamentor. org Guidance
College Information www. allstudentloan. com Guidance
College Information www. allstudentloan. org Guidance
College Information www. campustours. com Guidance
College Information www. careermag. com Guidance
College Information www. collegenet. com/ Guidance
College Information www. commonapp. org Guidance
College Information www. finaid. org/ Guidance
College Information www. gocollege. com/ Guidance
College Information www. highschooltour. com Guidance
College Information www. navy. mil/ Guidance
College Information www. petersons. com Guidance
College Information www. princetonreview. com Guidance
College Information www. scholarships. com Guidance
Coast Guard www. uscg. mil Guidance
College Information www. xap. com Guidance


Health topics kidshealth. org/kid/stay_healthy/food/protein_carb_fat. html Health
Alzheimer's Association www. alz. org Health

Information on child development

www. americanbaby. com


Center for Disease Control www. bt. cdc. gov/ Health
Dietetic www. cdrnet. org Health
dietetic association www. eatright. org Health
Fitness www. fitday. com Health
kids health www. kidshealthandfitness. com. Health
Learning through sports www. learningthroughsports. com/ Health
Nutrition www. nutritioncaremanual. org Health
Stroke Association www. strokeassociation. org Health
community health www. thecommunityguide. org Health


Early Works www. earlyworks. com History
High School Maps Online www. hsmaps. com History


English Dictionary dictionary. oed. com/ Language
Salem, Mass. /Witch Trials library. thinkquest. org Language
Citation webapps. calvin. edu/knightcite/index. php Language
Laura Ingalls Wilder go to --/~irby1/laura/frames. html webpages. marshall. edu/ Language
read Fables online www. AesopFables. com Language
American Girl www. americangirl. com Language
America’s Library www. americaslibrary. gov Language
Shakespeare Lessons www. bardweb. net Language
Reading www. beginningreading. com Language
Language games www. better-english. com Language
Citation www. citationmachine. net Language
First 100 words www. duboislc. org/EducationWatch/First100Words. html Language
grade 2-3 phonics software www. essentialskills. net Language
Cliff Notes www. gradesaver. com Language
Handwriting for Kids www. handwritingforkids. com Language
reading site www. headsprout. com Language
The Savvy Teacher: Reading Interventions That Really Work www. interventioncentralorg/download. shtml Language
Jim Wrighton Line    follow link pdfdocs/brouge/rdngManual. PDF www. jimwrightonline. com/ Language
Kids Reads www. kidsreads. com Language
Term paper citation www. landmark-project. com/citation_machine/index. php Language



Links to Literature www. linkstoliterature. com Language
Classic Literature www. literature. org/authors/ Language
read children's books online www. magickeys. com/books/index. html Language
Language games     alta/games/vocab www. murrieta. k12. ca. us/ Language
My Report Links www. myreportlinks. com Language
Myth Web www. mythweb. com Language
Put Reading First www. nifl. gov/partnershipforreading/publications/reading_first1. html Language
Citation www. noodletools. com Language
Noodle Tools www. noodletools. com/login. php Language
Reference dictionary www. oxfordreference. com Language
Penpals www. penpalworld. com/ Language
Poetry for Kids www. poetry4kids. com Language
Prestwick House - Books www. prestwickhouse. com Language
Quoteland www. quoteland. com Language
Reading Tutors www. reading-tutors. com Language
Read Naturally www. readnaturally. com Language
renaissance www. renaissance. dm. net/ Language
Salem, Mass. /Witch Trials www. salemweb. com Language
Scholastic www. scholastic. com Language
Learning to Read K-2 www. starfall. com Language
SAT vocabulary www. superkids. com Language
Books by Andy Bowman www. unclesiggie. com Language
English www. wecosoft. com/school/English/nouns2. htm Language
Webster Dictionary www. wordcentral. com/ Language


AVL-Annals of American History Online america. eb. com/ Language Arts
Anything *avl. lib. al. us* Anything *. avl. lib. al. us/* Language Arts
Anything *hwwilsonweb. com* Anything *. hwwilsonweb. com/* Language Arts
AVL-Auto repair reference center arrc. epnet. com/autoasp/index. asp? sid=282132577& uid=s8524205. main. autorefctr Language Arts
Citation citationmachine. net Language Arts
AVL- Business and Company Resource Center galenet. galegroup. com/servlet/BCRC; jsessionid=FC34FA4776312E5508C54BF6200447A5? locID=avl_lmst Language Arts
AVL-Serials Solutions hn7bk5pw5s. search. serialssolutions. com/ Language Arts
AVL-Gale Virtual Reference Library NEW ind. galegroup. com/gvrl/start. do? prodId=GVRL& userGroupName=avl_lmst Language Arts
AVL- Ethnic NewsWatch proquest. umi. com/login Language Arts
Reading ideas reading. uoregon. edu Language Arts
AVL-Britannica Online School Edition school. eb. com/ Language Arts
AVL-Britannica Online search. eb. com/ Language Arts
EBSCO login src2. epnet. com/School/Search. aspx? sid=0d689e3d-e35e-4c78-a5cb-2d655f785add%40SRCSM1& vid=6711276 Language Arts
AVL- Student Research Center NEW (replacesMAS Ultra - School Edition & Middle Search Plus) src2. epnet. com/School/Search. aspx? sid=17674fda-6c1f-498f-9855-e750dafce19a%40SRCSM1& vid=10118090 Language Arts
AVL-Biography Reference Bank vnweb. hwwilsonweb. com/hww/shared/shared_main. jhtml; jsessionid=APLKFUJUX3VE5QA3DIKSFGOADUNGIIV0? _requestid=56072 Language Arts
AVL- Business Index web1. infotrac. galegroup. com/itw/infomark/0/1/1/purl=rc6_BI? sw_aep=avl_lmst Language Arts
AVL-Contemporary Literary Criticism web1. infotrac. galegroup. com/itw/infomark/0/1/1/purl=rc6_CLC? sw_aep=avl_lmst Language Arts



AVL-Expanded Academic ASAP web1. infotrac. galegroup. com/itw/infomark/0/1/1/purl=rc6_EAIM? sw_aep=avl_lmst Language Arts
AVL-General Reference Center Gold web1. infotrac. galegroup. com/itw/infomark/0/1/1/purl=rc6_GRGM? sw_aep=avl_lmst Language Arts
AVL- InfoTrac OneFile web1. infotrac. galegroup. com/itw/infomark/0/1/1/purl=rc6_ITOF? sw_aep=avl_lmst Language Arts
AVL-LegalTrac web1. infotrac. galegroup. com/itw/infomark/0/1/1/purl=rc6_LT? sw_aep=avl_lmst Language Arts
AVL- Professional Collection NEW web1. infotrac. galegroup. com/itw/infomark/0/1/1/purl=rc6_SP00? sw_aep=avl_lmst Language Arts
AVL- InfoTrac Student Edition web1. infotrac. galegroup. com/k12/infomark/0/1/1/purl=rc6_STO? sw_aep=avl_lmst Language Arts
AVL- ERIC web11. epnet. com/search. asp? tb=1& _ug=sid+285ED409%2DC4A1%2D4723%2D91C2%2D6AEDD27F46A6%40sessionmgr6+dbs+eric+cp+1+2F62& _us=hs+False+ss+SO+sm+KS+FD29& _uso=hd+False+db%5B0+%2Deric+1682& newsrch=1 Language Arts
AVL- Business Source Premier web11. epnet. com/search. asp? tb=1& _ug=sid+AED616AF%2DAE69%2D4C3C%2DA001%2DAD049997A4C4%40sessionmgr5+dbs+buh+cp+1+F137& _us=hs+True+ss+SO+sm+KS+716B& _uso=hd+False+db%5B0+%2Dbuh+C5AC& newsrch=1 Language Arts
AVL- Clinical Pharmacology web11. epnet. com/search. asp? tb=1& _ug=sid+D785B4FD%2D009E%2D4FDA%2D8310%2D6D5BA56C73C5%40sessionmgr6+dbs+czh+cp+1+9156& _us=hs+False+ss+SO+sm+KS+FD29& _uso=hd+False+db%5B0+%2Dczh+F850& newsrch=1 Language Arts
AVL-EBSCOhost Web (French) (German) (Spanish) web11. epnet. com/selectdb. asp? tb=1& _ug=sid+41D69FDA%2D0E45%2D47A9%2D904B%2D85E3DA0EB475%40sessionmgr6+1B21& ft=1 Language Arts
AVL- Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition web26. epnet. com/search. asp? tb=1& _ug=sid+AB4566BF%2DE0F9%2D4E22%2D8BC9%2D708104282200%40sessionmgr6+dbs+hch+cp+1+748C& _us=hs+False+ss+SO+sm+KS+FD29& _uso=hd+False+db%5B0+%2Dhch+81E3& newsrch=1 Language Arts


AVL- Vocational and Career Collection web30. epnet. com/search. asp? tb=1& _ug=sid+2C2B5D93%2D5144%2D4C29%2D8D76%2D109287342933%40sessionmgr6+dbs+voh+cp+1+4C2B& _us=hs+False+ss+SO+sm+KS+FD29& _uso=hd+False+db%5B0+%2Dvoh+9F10& newsrch=1 Language Arts
AVL- Health Source: Consumer Edition web31. epnet. com/search. asp? tb=1& _ug=sid+A138BD5E%2D8A9B%2D41BA%2D9649%2DA3D38E924238%40sessionmgr3+dbs+hxh+cp+1+671C& _us=hs+True+ss+SO+sm+KS+716B& _uso=hd+False+db%5B0+%2Dhxh+E8F2& newsrch=1 Language Arts
AVL- History Reference Center web31. epnet. com/search. asp? tb=1& _ug=sid+E439705E%2DFF39%2D4880%2DA84F%2DE3F52D301FAA%40sessionmgr3+dbs+khh+cp+1+E123& _us=hs+True+ss+SO+sm+KS+716B& _uso=hd+False+db%5B0+%2Dkhh+65AB& newsrch=1 Language Arts
AVL- Newspaper Source web34. epnet. com/search. asp? tb=1& _ug=sid+5BFD9EB4%2D2C38%2D46ED%2DBF60%2DFF5F3E261F4C%40sessionmgr5+dbs+nfh+cp+1+F049& _us=hs+False+ss+SO+sm+KS+FD29& _uso=hd+False+db%5B0+%2Dnfh+1741& newsrch=1 Language Arts
Spanish tutorials and games www. donquijote. org/spanishlanguage/games/ Language Arts
Encyclopedia www. encyclopedia. com/ Language Arts
Song -- John Henry www. ibiblio. org/john_henry/songlist. html Language Arts
Spanish tutorials and games www. learn-spanish-language-software. com/games/ Language Arts
Spanish tutorials and games www. orbislingua. com/ekbi. htm Language Arts
Quiz list - Elkmont www. quizlist. net/(2hezhc55uuyjiiuogmpxbfu5)/search. aspx? id=10800 Language Arts
Famous quotations www. quotesforall. com/ Language Arts
Reading www. readinga-z. com/members/ Language Arts



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