МБОУ СШ №6 им. А.С. Макаренко. Выполнила: ученица 9 «А» класса. Афанасьева Карина.. This summer we had an active holiday.. Here in photo, we came to swim in the lakes, during this time we were very tired, but were satisfied.. Also in the summertime I have⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 109 из 109 МБОУ СШ №6 им. А. С. Макаренко
Презентация на тему: « How i spent summer? ” Выполнила: ученица 9 «А» класса Афанасьева Карина. My summer holidays… This summer we had an active holiday. Here in photo, we came to swim in the lakes, during this time we were very tired, but were satisfied. Also in the summertime I have a new hobby. Now I really like to take pictures in nature with my friends. You have no idea how quickly time flies when I am doing this. I am so happy. This is one of my works. I really like this photo. She was done recently. In June I had a birthday. Friends very cool congratulated me. They threw the cake in my face. I will never forget this day. On this summer day in our city there was a concert in memory of Victor Tsoi. And my last brightest event was a trip to Moscow. I was very inspired when I went there. It is very beautiful city, I am in love. I really want to go back there again.