GETTING TOGETHER AND GETTING DUMPED ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 Fill in the gaps to complete the idiom, phrasal verb or spelling of the word
1) We often go on dates because we’ve met someone ourselves. At times a good friend might h……………… with someone they know 2) When you meet up, you might h………… off (get on like a house on fire, immediately connect). 3) Or like in my case, a date has often s……………… (Didn’t turn up to the date and without warning) 4) But if you do connect, you might realize that you have a c……… on that person (strong feelings) or you f……… them. (f…… their pants off) 5) Maybe things don’t go much further because you either don’t m……… or you establish that you’re just “friends with b…………….. ” But you can still g…………… with each other every so often. But nothing more. 6) When dating, some people like to “play …… to……” where others might be up for it and offer “coffee at their place” or to go home and “watch N……… and chill. ” If a person keeps promising such things but nothing ever happens because they don’t want a serious relationship, they are l……… you………! 7) In the early stages of a relationship, a person may “disappear…………………………………planet, ” or start “g……” Or a person may realize you’re not their cup of tea and become distant by giving you “the cold ……………” 8) During a relationship when things don’t work ……, a partner may d…… the other. That is different to s…………… or b…………… where both partners agree to “call it ……………. ” When d……… someone, the act is initiated by one member towards the other. 9) But assuming your relationship “goes from strength to…………” (continuously gets better), then maybe it’s time the man “p……………” by proposing to his woman (note: the use of the verb and not the noun here). Hopefully when the man “asks for her………… in………, ” she says yes and doesn’t “turn him ………” There’s nothing worse than being rejected. 10) So the big day comes where you “tie ……………….. ” or said more informally, “get h………” 11) But maybe you get married and think you’ve made a serious error of judgement or your Thai bride is in fact a Thai groom: you have the ability to a………… the marriage under some state laws instead of going through the arduous process of divorce. 12) I hope a couple will “live……………………… after, ” settle ……., have kids but at times a pair may drift ………. because they can’t find any “common …………” Some couples simple out…… each other because they develop in different directions. But that doesn’t mean you should stop fighting to save the relationship. Try to “p……………” (repair the relationship). Filing for ………… should only serve as a last resort. But if you do “go…………… way” it’s not the end of the world. There are plenty more fish in the sea. 13) So remember when dating, especially watch out for Jail-…… Such girls can get a man into a lot of trouble. If you’re a man with a lack of confidence, ask a friend to come along who will serve as your w..... -…… And before you know it, as a man, with some dating experience, you’ll become a real p………… or a s……! 14) As for the ladies, your Man……… or your Knight……………… is out there somewhere. So ladies and gentlemen, don’t be picky because “beggars can’t be choosers! ” unless you’re super awesome and sexy!