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Духовник.. Healing Skills. Buff Skills. Party Skills. Debuff Skills. Star Talents. Moon Talents. Sun Talents



[hide]Cleric Skills
  Active Attack Skills Holy Light Grenade Adds one charge point after applying skill, causing single enemy target XXX points of magic injury/damage; 10% chance to force an enemy into a Silenced state, depending on the level of the skill.
Required Lv MP Cost Cast Time Cool Down Damage Effect Price
I 2 secs 0. 5 secs 510 Magic Damage + 252 Light Damage 10% chance to inflict Lv. 3 Silence 0 56 66
II 2 secs 0. 5 secs 547 Magic Damage + 270 Light Damage 10% chance to inflict Lv. 3 Silence 1 5 80
III 2 secs 0. 5 secs 595 Magic Damage + 293 Light Damage 10% chance to inflict Lv. 3 Silence 2 47 95
IV 2 secs 0. 5 secs 643 Magic Damage + 316 Light Damage 10% chance to inflict Lv. 4 Silence 4 92 85
V 2 secs 0. 5 secs 689 Magic Damage + 340 Light Damage 10% chance to inflict Lv. 4 Silence 9 28 60
VI 2 secs 0. 5 secs 735 Magic Damage + 362 Light Damage 10% chance to inflict Lv. 4 Silence 15 96 00
VII 2 secs 0. 5 secs 780 Magic Damage + 384 Light Damage 10% chance to inflict Lv. 5 Silence 25 26 00
VIII 2 secs 0. 5 secs 825 Magic Damage + 406 Light Damage 10% chance to inflict Lv. 5 Silence 36 53 50
IX 2 secs 0. 5 secs 869 Magic Damage + 428 Light Damage 10% chance to inflict Lv. 6 Silence 73 77 30

Holy Hammer Crush
Adds one charge point after applying skill, causing single enemy target XXX points of magic injury/damage; 30% chance to force an enemy into a Stasis state.

Required Lv MP Cost Cast Time Cool Down Magic Damage Effect Price
I 1. 5 30% chance to cause Stasis 1 5 80
II 1. 5 30% chance to cause Stasis 2 47 95
III 1. 5 30% chance to cause Stasis 4 92 85
IV 1. 5 30% chance to cause Stasis 9 28 60
V 1. 5 30% chance to cause Stasis 15 96 00
VI 1. 5 30% chance to cause Stasis 25 26 00
VII 1. 5 30% chance to cause Stasis 38 53 50
VIII 1. 5 30% chance to cause Stasis 73 77 30

Shining Finger
Adds one charge point. After applying skill, causing single enemy target XXX points of magic injury/damage.

Required Lv MP Cost Cast Time Cool Down Magic Damage Price
I Instant 8 secs 1 5 80
II Instant 8 secs 2 47 95
III Instant 8 secs 4 92 85
IV Instant 8 secs 9 28 60
V Instant 8 secs 15 96 00
VI Instant 8 secs 25 26 00
VII Instant 8 secs 38 53 50
VIII Instant 8 secs 73 77 30

Hammer of Judgement
Deals regular attack effects and damage to a single enemy target, plus xxxx pts of physical damage, and stasis for a 3 second duration.

Required Lv MP Cost Cast Time Cool Down Damage Effect Price
I Instant 10 secs Stasis, 3 secs 66 93 23
I Instant 10 secs Stasis, 3 secs 88 18 85

Censure of the Guilty
Instant Cast AoE Skill. After applying skill, enemies within a radius of 8m of oneself will be dealt xxx magic damage and reduced in attack speed by 40% for 10 seconds.

Required Lv MP Cost Cast Time Cool Down Magic Damage Effect Price
I Instant 12 secs -40% Physical Attack Speed 0 68 96
II Instant 12 secs -40% Physical Attack Speed 2 47 95
III Instant 12 secs -40% Physical Attack Speed 6 85 48
IV Instant 12 secs -40% Physical Attack Speed 15 96 00
V Instant 12 secs 682s -40% Physical Attack Speed 31 38 87
VI Instant 12 secs -40% Physical Attack Speed 73 77 30

Vision of the End
This finishing skill requires Charges. Enemies within a range of 10m will have XXX Magic Damage inflicted upon them and be forced into a Fear state.

Required Lv MP Cost Cast Time Cool Down 1 Charge 2 Charges 3 Charges 4 Charges 5 Charges Effect Price
I 3 secs 00 secs Lv. 3 Fear 3 64 50
II 3secs 00 secs Lv. 4 Fear 6 85 48
III 3secs 00 secs Lv. 4 Fear 12 29 52
IV 3secs 00 secs Lv. 5 Fear 20 05 20
V 3secs 00 secs Lv. 5 Fear 31 38 87
VI 3secs 00 secs Lv. 5 Fear 46 79 00
VII 3secs 00 secs Lv. 6 Fear 88 18 85


Healing Skills

Lay on Hands
Adds one charge point after applying skill, instantaneously healing target for xxx - xxx HP.

Required Lv MP Cost Cast Time Cool Down HP Restored Price
I 2 secs 0. 5 secs 1447 - 1620 0 56 66
II 2 secs 0. 5 secs 1593 - 1784 1 05 80
III 2 secs 0. 5 secs 1790 - 2005 2 47 95
IV 2 secs 0. 5 secs 1991 - 2232 4 92 85
V 2 secs 0. 5 secs 2198 - 2461 9 28 60
VI 2 secs 0. 5 secs 2409 - 2698 15 96 00
VII 2 secs 0. 5 secs 2622 - 2938 25 26 00
VIII 2 secs 0. 5 secs 2841 - 3128 38 53 50
IX 2 secs 0. 5 secs 3063 - 3430 73 77 30

Prayer of Recovery
Heals target xxx - xxx HP instantanerously and xx HP every 2 seconds for 30 seconds, depending on the skill level.

Required Lv MP Cost Cast Time Cool Down HP Restored Instantly HP Over time Duration Price
I 3 secs 5 secs 482 - 580 Every 2 secs for 30 secs 0 56 66
II 3 secs 5 secs 564 - 676 Every 2 secs for 30 secs 1 64 70
III 3 secs 5 secs 664 - 797 Every 2 secs for 30 secs 4 92 85
IV 3 secs 5 secs 768 - 922 Every 2 secs for 30 secs 12 29 52
V 3 secs 5 secs 975 - 1049 Every 2 secs for 30 secs 25 26 00
VI 3 secs 5 secs 984 - 1181 Every 2 secs for 30 secs 46 79 00

Mending Touch
Instantly heals target for xxxx - xxxx HP, depending on the skill level.

Required Lv MP Cost Cast Time Cool Down HP Restored Price
I Instant 2 secs 1260 - 1512 3 64 50
II Instant 2 secs 1396 - 1675 6 85 48
III Instant 2 secs 1535 - 1842 12 29 52
IV Instant 2 secs 1676 - 2012 20 05 20
V Instant 2 secs 1822 - 2185 31 38 87
VI Instant 2 secs 1968 - 2362 46 79 00
VII Instant 2 secs 2117 - 2540 88 18 85

Healing Barrier
This finishing skill require charges. Heals players within a xx m radius of oneself for xxxx HP, depending on the skill level.

Required Lv MP Cost Cast Time Cool Down 1 Charge 2 Charges 3 Charges 4 Charges 5 Charges Radius Price
I 3 secs 00 secs 739 - 821 887 - 985 1033 - 1148 1182 - 1313 1329 - 1477 10m 0 56 66
II 3 secs 00 secs 862 - 958 1035 - 1150 1208 - 1342 1379 - 1532 1552 - 1724 18m 1 64 70
III 3 secs 00 secs 1015 - 1128 1220 - 1355 1422 - 1580 1625 - 1806 1829 - 2032 18m 4 92 85
IV 3 secs 00 secs 1174 - 1304 1409 - 1566 1643 - 1826 1879 - 2088 2113 - 2348 18m 12 29 52
V 3 secs 00 secs 1338 - 1487 1605 - 1783 1873 - 2081 2140 - 2378 2408 - 2676 18m 25 26 00
VI 3 secs 00 secs 1506 - 1673 1807 - 2008 2107 - 2341 2408 -- 2676 2710 - 3011 18m 46 79 00


Buff Skills

Enduring Strength
Target's Physical Attack will increase by xx% for 10 minutes, depending on the skill level.

Required Lv MP Cost Cast Time Cool Down Effect Duration Price
I 2 secs 2 secs 10% Increase in Physical Strength 600 secs 0 68 96
II 2 secs 2 secs 12% Increase in Physical Strength 600 secs 2 47 95
III 2 secs 2 secs 14% Increase in Physical Strength 600 secs 6 85 48
IV 2 secs 2 secs 16% Increase in Physical Strength 600 secs 15 96 00
V 2 secs 2 secs 18% Increase in Physical Strength 600 secs 31 38 87
VI 2 secs 2 secs 20% Increase in Physical Strength 600 secs 73 77 30

Armor of Hope
Target's Magic Defense will increase by xx% for 10 minutes, depending on the skill level.

Required Lv MP Cost Cast Time Cool Down Effect Duration Price
I 2 secs 2 secs 10% Increase in Magic Defense 600 secs 0 68 96
II 2 secs 2 secs 12% Increase in Magic Defense 600 secs 2 47 95
III 2 secs 2 secs 14% Increase in Magic Defense 600 secs 6 85 48
IV 2 secs 2 secs 16% Increase in Magic Defense 600 secs 15 96 00
V 2 secs 2 secs 18% Increase in Magic Defense 600 secs 31 38 87
VI 2 secs 2 secs 20% Increase in Magic Defense 600 secs 73 77 30

True Word of Shielding
A buff casted on oneself. Character will gain +xxx Physical Attack points, and reduce magic damage sustained by -xxx points and -xx% for 30 seconds, depending on the skill level.

Required Lv Consumption Chant Time Cool Down Effect Duration Price
I Instant 30 secs +45 Physical Damage, -30 Magic Damage Sustained, -15% Magic Damage Sustained 30 secs 0 56 66
II Instant 30 secs +68 Physical Damage, -35 Magic Damage Sustained, -15% Magic Damage Sustained 30 secs 1 64 70
III Instant 30 secs +90 Physical Damage, -40 Magic Damage Sustained, -15% Magic Damage Sustained 30 secs 4 92 85
IV Instant 30 secs +112 Physical Damage, -45 Magic Damage Sustained, -15% Magic Damage Sustained 30 secs 12 29 52
V Instant 30 secs +135 Physical Damage, -50 Magic Damage Sustained, -15% Magic Damage Sustained 30 secs 25 26 00
VI Instant 30 secs +156 Physical Damage, -55 Magic Damage Sustained, -15% Magic Damage Sustained 30 secs 46 79 00

True Word of Holy Light
A buff casted on oneself. Adds xxx Light Damage to every physical attack for a certain amount of time, depending on the skill level.

Required Lv MP Cost Cast Time Cool Down Effect Duration Price
I Instant 30 secs +170 Light Damage 10 secs 1 64 70
II Instant 30 secs +190 Light Damage 15 secs 3 64 50
III Instant 30 secs +210 Light Damage 15 secs 6 85 48
IV Instant 30 secs +230 Light Damage 15 secs 12 29 52
V Instant 30 secs +250 Light Damage 15 secs 20 05 20
VI Instant 30 secs +270 Light Damage 15 secs 31 38 87
VII Instant 30 secs +290 Light Damage 15 secs 46 79 00
VIII Instant 30 secs +320 Light Damage 15 secs 88 18 85

This magic skill cast on oneself causes one to break away from combat and no monsters will attack you when this skill is active, but one can no longer move or fight; applicable to monsters at level xx or below.

Required Lv MP Cost Cast Time Cool Down Effect Duration Price
I 2 secs 180 secs Monsters below level 42 won't attack you anymore 10 secs 0 68 96
II 2 secs 180 secs Monsters below level 52 won't attack you anymore 10 secs 4 92 85
III 2 secs 180 secs Monsters below level 62 won't attack you anymore 10 secs 10 5 20
IV 2 secs 180 secs Monsters below level 72 won't attack you anymore 10 secs 73 77 30

Divine Barrier
This finishing skill requires charges. After casting, the physical damage sustained by all friendly units within 10 meter radius of oneself -xx%, for a duration of xx seconds.

Required Lv MP Cost Cast Time Cool Down Effect 1 Charge 2 Charges 3 Charges 4 Charges 5 Charges Price
I 2 secs 00 secs -12% Physical damage taken 6 secs 8 secs 10 secs 12 secs 20 secs 15 96 00
II 2 secs 00 secs -15% Physical damage taken 6 secs 8 secs 10 secs 12 secs 20 secs 31 38 87
III 2 secs 00 secs -18% Physical damage taken 6 secs 8 secs 10 secs 12 secs 20 secs 73 77 30


Party Skills

Spring of Life
Party members' HP will increase by xx%, depending on the skill level. A character can only activate one party buff at a time.

Required Lv MP Cost Cast Time Cool Down Effect Price
I 4 secs 6 secs 12% Increase in HP 0 68 96
II 4 secs 6 secs 15% Increase in HP 3 64 50
III 4 secs 6 secs 18% Increase in HP 12 29 52
IV 4 secs 6 secs 21% Increase in HP 31 38 87
V 4 secs 6 secs 23% Increase in HP 88 18 85

Divine Barrier
Party members will receive xx less physical damage and light resistance will be increased by 10%, depending on the skill level. A character can only activate one party buff at a time.

Required Lv MP Cost Cast Time Cool Down Effect Price
I 4 secs 6 secs -50 Physical Damage, +10% Light Resistance 3 64 50
II 4 secs 6 secs -60 Physical Damage, +10% Light Resistance 9 28 60
III 4 secs 6 secs -70 Physical Damage, +10% Light Resistance 20 05 20
IV 4 secs 6 secs -80 Physical Damage, +10% Light Resistance 38 53 50
V 4 secs 6 secs -90 Physical Damage, +10% Light Resistance 88 18 85


Debuff Skills

Moment of Silence
Adds one charge point. Target will be inflicted with Lv. X Silence status for 10 seconds.

Required Lv MP Cost Cast Time Cool Down Effect Duration Price
I 2 secs 12 secs Lv. 3 Silence 10 Secs 2 47 95
II 2 secs 12 secs Lv. 4 Silence 10 Secs 12 29 52
III 2 secs 12 secs Lv. 5 Silence 10 Secs 38 53 50



[show]Skills - Active - Power Stones


[show]Skills - Passive




[hide]Basic Talents: Cleric
===Earth Talents===
Image Name Required Level Effect Obtained From
Hammer Specialist 1 Hammer Damage +6%, 5% chance to stun for 2 second Skill trainer - Any city
Magic Ward Specialist 1 Received Magic Damage -10% Skill Trainer - Any city
Staff Specialist 1 When equipped with staff, M-ATK +7%, M-CRIT damage +10% Skill Trainer - Any city
Hammer Specialist 2 Hammer Damage +8%, 5% chance to stun for 2. 5 second Banded Spider, Night Light Spider, Fiery Sunbird, Leafy Treant, Ursuva Wizard, Bloody Wasquito, Karzak Guard, Honey Bear, Lumberyard Guard Captain, Fierce Plateau Yak, Freshwater Crocodile, Withered Wisewood, Small Cave Spider, < Exiled Shaman> Ojisk, < Airborne Weirdo> Jester, < Involuntary Blood Donation> Blood Storm Wasquito, < Night Widow> Domelina, < Forest Overlord> Sadro, < Genius Killing Lietenant> Karzak
Magic Ward Specialist 2 Received Magic Damage -12% Alpine Deer, Magic Spotted Deer, Hard Skinned Cloned Beast, Blue Butterfly Sprite, Toxic Wasquito, Bone-Rasping Sandworm, Karzak Gunner, Vampire Bee, Treant Elder, Swift Dragon, Saltwater Crocodile, Muddy Jelly Rabbit, Garnetback Spider, Wickedbone Wolf, < Ancient City Butterfly King> Papillon Sprite, < Devourer of Hope> Burroquia
Staff Specialist 2 When equipped with staff, M-ATK +9%, M-CRIT damage +14% Spotted Deer, Moonlight Deer, Prickly Pansy, Sharptooth Crocodile, Bloodsucking Wasquito, Bone-Grinding Sandworm, Karzak Captain, Forest Vampire Bee, Treant Warrior, Highland Raptor, Southern Island Swift Dragon, Toasted Wisewood, < Tempted Conjurer> Tilaye, < Cursed Flower> Horatio, < Deer Chief> Cariboomer, < Echo Tree King> Thundering Treant, < Plague Queen> Catherine, < Duke of Flab> Tokenlus, < Dark Watchdog> Rubis
Hammer Specialist 3 Hammer Damage +10%, 5% chance to stun for 5 seconds Ronto (Altar of Sands) 9000 Reputation
Magic Ward Specialist 3 Received Magic Damage -14% < Deserted Temple Boss> Saguyins, Diseased Wisewood, Ruthless Drake, Big Bone Reef Scorpion, < Bone Reef Scorpion Boss> Reef Ravager
Staff Specialist 3 When equipped with staff, M-ATK +11%, M-CRIT damage +18% Withered Bone Wolf, Swift Bloodthirsty Dragon, Black Bone Sailor, < Red Ringer> XBX3600, < Reef Dragon Boss> Corsair Dragon, Mother Sandworm, < Ancient Messenger> Hamo
Hammer Specialist 4 Hammer Damage +?? %, 5% chance to stun for?? seconds ??
Magic Ward Specialist 4 Received Magic Damage -16% ??
Staff Specialist 4 When equipped with staff, M-ATK +13%, M-CRIT damage +20% Elsaland Reputation 16000 NPC Elizabeth Eternal Mountains


Star Talents

Image Name Required Level Effect Obtained From
Resilient Vitality 1 Max HP +5%, Chance of taking critical hit -5% Skill Trainer - Any city
Abundant Energy 1 Max MP +8%, Chance of taking M-CRIT hit -5% Skill Trainer - Any city
Channel Magic 1 MP cost -10 Skill Trainer - Any city
Resilient Vitality 2 Max HP +6%, Chance of taking critical hit -7% Impure Servant, Hill Giant Guard, Fishman Oracle, Dark Swamp Gator, Winged Imp, Skinless Skeletal Wolf, Cocobongo Jelly Rabbit, Tusk 'n Raider Boar, Black Bone Pirate, < Ape Chief> Bling Kong, < Hooligan Kid> Kahlua, < Cannibal Condor> Afika, < Skeleton Wolf King> Barebone Baron, < Obese Bat> Randorak, < Hidden Rock Village Mayor> Mournful Myski, < Spawn of the Dead> Sir Charles, < Giant Enemy Crab> Emissary - Greed
Abundant Energy 2 Max MP +9%, Chance of taking M-CRIT hit -8% Bone-Eating Drake, South Sea Crab, Fort Recon Officer, Dark Stone Berserker, Fangfly, Sleepy Giant, Bone Vulture, Reef Fishman Prophet, Home Run Bat, Steel Transporter, < Ravening Spectre> Enarkar, < Warped Wisewood> Alf, < Gravity Guide> Vergne, < Obese Bat> Randorak, < Minekeeper> GBX-989, < Violent Cyborg Minotaur> Jenome, < Giant Enemy Crab> Emissary - Greed
Channel Magic 2 MP cost -25 Hill Giant, Fishman Warrior, Mutant Black Mud Crab, Skinstitch Giant, Diseased Goblin, Coconut Jelly Rabbit, Beach Bum Jelly Rabbit, Scavenging Bone Vulture, Baleful Bat, < Hooligan Kid> Kahlua, < Holy Fire Guardian Priest> Waltawa, < Dead Sea First Mate> Fritz, < Swamp Lord> Sirenco, < Grand Skull Wizard> Kukuryu, < Dueling Drunkard> Buhz Killer
Resilient Vitality 3 Max HP +7%, Chance of taking critical hit -9% Kaslow 25000
Abundant Energy 3 Max MP +10%, Chance of taking M-CRIT hit -11% Kaslow 25000
Channel Magic 3 MP cost -40 Jale 25000


Moon Talents

Image Name Required Level Effect Obtained From
Shield Specialist 1 Shield Block rate +3%, Casting fail rate -20% Skill Trainer - Any city
Saintly Touch 1 Healing Skills +11% Heal Power Skill Trainer - Any city
Holy Furor 1 Magic critical hit rate +2% Skill Trainer - Any city
Shield Specialist 2 Chance of cast interruption -25%, Chance of shield block +6% Bloody Needle Wasquito, Cliff Warrior, Flesh-Rasping Worm, < Undead Bully> Moen, < Cave Crusher> Draze, < Underworld Necromancer> Harbartos
Saintly Touch 2 Treatment by Lay on Hands, and Improved Lay on hands +13% Stone Lizard, Stone Pillar Dragon, < Servant of Sighs> Lithic Lizard, < Mother of the Abyss> Queen Worm Shivarana, < Ruin Guardian> Avila, < Bloody Golem> Sahdos, < Cave Crusher> Draze
Holy Furor 2 Magic Critical Rate +4% Scrubland Yak, Scrubland Scorpion, Lost Blind Wasquito, < Scorching Wind Lord> Dunewalker Scorpion, < Black King of the Seven Seas> Captain Basa, < Earth-Rasping Dark Worm> Shiva
Shield Specialist 3 Chance of shield block +9%, Chance of casting interuption -30% Guardian Fire Spirit, Cactus Mountain Wolf, Ruined City Defender, Ruined City Archmage, < Dark Crystal Lion> Cyrus
Saintly Touch 3 Healing Skills +15% Heal Power Magic Academy 9000
Holy Furor 3 Magic Critical Rate +6% Iron Stone Association 9000


Sun Talents

Image Name Required Level Effect Obtained From
Blessed Barrier 1 With shield equipped Shield Bash damage +10%, Received physical damage -5% Peak Wind Spirit, Condor Defender, Ancient Tomb Thief Mage, Little Fishman Ghost (Old Siwa Island), < King Dragon Zombie> Jasang, < Mourning Banshee> Basse
Arcane Endurance 1 Recieved magic critical damage -20%, Received magic critical rate -8% Mountain Wind Spirit, Condor Mercenary, Little Fishman Ghost (Old Siwa Island)
Hammerhead Blow 1 Hammer Critical Rate +2% Bath Stone Warrior, Condor Sniper, Goblin Raider, Little Fishman Ghost (Old Siwa Island), Cryptstalker Scorpion, < Demon of Echoes> Sivalee
Blessed Barrier 2 ?? Astrologer of Colombus, < Time's Helmsman> Columbus
Arcane Endurance 2 ?? Irontooth Warrior, < Time's Helmsman> Columbus
Hammerhead Blow 2 Hammer Critical Rate +4% Irontooth Gladiator, < Scorpion Queen> Qestrelle
Blessed Barrier 3 With shield equipped Shield Bash damage +16%, Received physical damage -9% Wind Guardian, < Holy City's Wind Spirit> Zephyro, < High Swordmaster> Dunn
Arcane Endurance 3 Recieved magic critical damage -26%, Received magic critical rate -12% Dark Worm, Dragonbone Grinder, < King of Witchcraft> Sutan
Hammerhead Blow 3 Hammer Critical rate +6% Dark Corrosion Worm, Dragonbone Grinder

§ No Ancient Talents Listed

[hide]Talent Combos: Cleric
Name Earth Star Moon Sun Effect
Holy Judge

Hammer Specialist

Abundant Energy

    Atk +4%, Def +6%
Defender of Law Shield Specialist   Def +12%, Chance of Shield Block +15%
Scholar of the Holy Word

Channel Magic

    Hit +10%, M-Atk +5%
Holy Martial Monk

Holy Furor

Hammerhead Blow Atk +5%, M-DEF +5%
Bishop Resilient Vitality   Healing Barrier+20% Heal Power, Cast Speed+20%
Spiritual Scholar

Magic Ward Specialist

Abundant Energy     Max HP +5%, Def +10%
Magic Defender

Channel Magic

    Def +8%, M-def +8%
High Healer Shield Specialist   Mending Touch+30% Heal Power, M-Atk Intake-15%
Trainer of Willpower

Resilient Vitality

    Def +10%, Max MP +5%
Defender of Light Shield Specialist Blessed Barrier Def +8%, Hit +6%
Energy Saver

Staff Specialist

Channel Magic     Skill MP Cost -10, Max MP +3%
Preacher Resilient Vitality     M-Atk +10%
Mana Messenger

Abundant Energy

    Evade +10%, M-def +7%
Disciple of Light Saintly Touch Arcane Endurance Cast Speed +15%, M-Atk +6%

Mastery System

[hide]Master Talents
# Name Effect Notes
Demon Killer Increases Magic Damage to Demons by +1% each level. Increases Magic Damage to Demons by +50 each level. " I kick arse for the lord! "
Kiss of Angels Increase Light Resistance by +2% each level. Increases Dark Resistance by 2% each level. " May God be with you, in darkest night and brightest day! "
Martial Cleric Training Increases Hammer Physical Attack by +1% each level. " The name of my hammer is Justice You cannot escape it. Its strike rings fear from every evil heart. "
Great Endurance Increases Vitality by +3 each level. " All my suffering has been a test from God, to prove me worthy of his blessing. I will not fail!! "
Holy Word Scripture Increases Magic Attack by +1% each level. " The Lord's word is my strength and your destruction! "
Martial Cleric Impact Increases Physical Critical Rate by +0. 8% each level. " Only pain can cleanse your soul of evil! "


[hide]Legendary Talents
# Name Effect Notes
Master of Protection Increases Shield Block by +1% each level. " I am the last line of defense for God's dominion. "
Magical Cloak Increases Magic Damage Resistance by +2% each level. " I bask in my God's blessing and am spared from all suffering, past, present and future. "
Senator's Study Increases Intelligence by +9 each level. " I am a bottomless goblet, thirsting for knowledge and savoring wisdom. "
Soul Gaze Increases Physical Hit by +1% each level. " When I gaze into your soul, your masks will fall away like empty husks. I will know your every crime. "

§ No Mythic



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