One-off joining fee CHF 200.—; minimal annual fee CHF 80.— ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Declaration of membership please use BLOCK CAPITALS I hereby enrol as a member of “DIGNITAS – To live with dignity – To die with dignity” and I have read and understood the DIGNITAS information brochure: □ Male □ Female First name(s): ………………... …………………………………………………… Surname(s): ………………...................................................................................... Street: ....................................................................................................................... Town and postal code: ............................................................................................. Date of birth: ................................. Place of birth: ................................................... Profession: ............................................................................................................... Telephone: Private: ..................................... Business: ........................................... Fax: Private: ................................................ Business: ........................................... Mobile Telephone: ...................................... E-mail: .............................................. Nationality: .............................................................................................................. For Swiss citizens only: Bü rgerort: …................... AHV-Nr.: |........ |...... |....... |....... | My preferred language: □ ENGLISH □ FRENCH □ GERMAN □ ITALIAN One-off joining fee CHF 200. —; minimal annual fee CHF 80. — (payment after receipt of DIGNITAS’ invoice) Date: Signature:
............................................... .......................................... ……….....
What has motivated you to sign up as a member? (voluntary information) ☐ I support DIGNITAS in its endeavours to lift the existing taboos of suicide, enforce patient’s rights, freedom of choice and self-determination during lifetime and at its end. ☐ I witnessed first-hand an excruciatingly painful struggle in dying and would like to prevent this from happening to me. ☐ I suffer from a disease and wish for an accompanied suicide when the time comes. send to: DIGNITAS, P. O. Box 17, 8127 Forch, Switzerland Fax: +41 (0)43 366 1079 / E-Mail: dignitas@dignitas. ch