b. needs peace in order to composeb. needs peace in order to compose c. sometimes uses his children's ideas d. is often inspired by his local scenery 5. In Nick's view, what makes a good song? a. The audience can identify it easily b. The words and music are completely original c. The melody is one that people will remember easily d. The words and music come to the songwriter at the same time.
LISTENING (Section 3) 1. Tom criticises some top film actors for a. the dull characters they play b. their obsession with fashion c. their selfish lifestyles d. their lack of creativity 2. What does Tom see as central to his parents' style of acting? a. insight to the demands of a role b. knowledge of acting techniques c. respect for oneself as an actor d. appreciation of good drama 3. According to Tom, What is difficult about playing cruel characters? a. They are usually very unpopular with audiences b. The actor has to have some sympathy for them c. The actor has to make the audience understand them d. They are often very exhausting roles for an actor to play 4. According to Tom, what is the actor's task when reading a script for a documentary? a. to persuade the viewers how important the subject is b. to convey the necessary information in a neutral manner c. to make the film shots come to life for the viewers d. to underline the main message of the programme 5. What does Tom admit to at the end of the interview? a. a wish to be admired b. a need to escape from himself c. an ambition to explore new ideas d. a desire to improve his own character
READING 1. Is there ____________ of food for everyone? a. adequate b. enough c. sufficient d. plenty 2. She ought ____________ more time to get fit before she ran in the race. a. have had b. to do c. to have had d. have
a b c
5. Click on each gap then choose the correct answer. 1. a. contest b. battle c. combat d. hostility 2. a. personified b. enacted c. impersonated d. mirrored 3. a. oblige b. behold c. owe d. grant 4. a. found out b. brought off c. caught on d. picked up 5. a. let b. leave c. stand d. be