Luna Lovegood . Ginny Weasley ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Luna Lovegood You are special person, but you do not have many friends. People do not understand you and make fun of you. You have your own world and often have your head in the clouds. You don’t have many friends, but they are true friends and you can rely on them. Your favourite subject is History, because you like reading about ancient times, especially kinds of alphabets and texts. You do not like fashion, you have your own style, you make your clothes and jewellery. You look funny, but you do not mind it. You want to live only with parents, you do not like having brothers or sisters, because you do not like noise. Ginny Weasley You are very active and sport is your hobby. You are in the school team or you want to be. PE is favourite subject, but you are clever and like learning other things. You don’t know your ideal job, but you know that it will be connected with sport, for example sportsman or sportswoman, a sport journalist etc. You like boys/girls and you like having a new boyfriend or a girlfriend all the time. You want to have a big family, brothers and sisters, you plan to have many children in the future.