in a line, in a row, in a queuein a line, in a row, in a queue in a picture, in a photo(graph) in a newspaper, in a magazine, in a book in an office, in a department in the sky, in the world in the country in bed / in hospital / in prison: in the corner of a room on the left, on the … floor, on a map, on a menu, on a list, on a page, on a website on a river / on a road / on the coast: on the front, on the back of a piece of paper etc. at the top (of …), at the bottom (of …), at the end (of …) at the front, at the back of a building at home / at work / at school / at university / at college at a party / at a concert at the station / at the airport on a bus / in a car(taxi) at the corner or on the corner of a street Prepositions (time) Ex 1. at on in during for since by until 1 Jack has gone away. He’ll be back …. a week. 2 We’re having a party …. Saturday. Can you come? 3 I’ve got an interview …. next week. It’s …. Tuesday morning …. 9. 30. 4 Sue isn’t usually here ….. weekends. She goes away. 5 The train service is very good. The trains are nearly always …. time. 6 It was a confusing situation. Many things were happening …. the same time. 7 I couldn’t decide whether or not to buy the sweater. …the end I decided to. 8 The road is busy all the time, even …. night. 9 I met a lot of nice people …. my stay in New York. 10 I saw Helen ….. Friday, but I haven’t seen her ….. then. 11 Robert has been doing the same job ….. five years. 12 Lisa’s birthday is ….. the end of March. 13 We have friends staying with us ……the moment. They’re staying …. Friday. 14 If you’re interested in applying for the job, your application must be received …. Friday. 15 I’m just going out. I won’t be long – I’ll be back ….. ten minutes. Place: in, at, on. Ex 2 Complete the sentences with in, at or on. 1 There was a long queue of people ___ the bus stop. 2 Nicola was wearing a silver ring ____her little finger. 3 There was a security guard standing _____the entrance to the building. 4 I wasn’t sure whether I had come to the right off ice. There’s no name ____the door. 5 There are plenty of shops and restaurants ____the town centre. 6 You’ll find the weather forecast _____the back page of the newspaper. 7 The headquarters of the company are ___California. 8 I wouldn’t like an office job. I couldn’t spend the whole day sitting ____a desk. 9 The man the police are looking for has a scar _____his right cheek. 10 If you come here by bus, get off ____the stop after the traffic lights. 11 Have you ever been camping? Have you ever slept ____a tent? 12 Emily was sitting ____the balcony reading a book. 13 My brother lives ___a small village ___the south-west of England. 14 I like that picture hanging ___the wall ____ the kitchen. Ex 3 1 Write your name …. the top of the page. 2 Is your sister …. this photo? I don’t recognise her. 3 They live …. a small house …. the bottom of the hill. 4 We use the front entrance to the building, but there’s another one. …the back. 5 We had to wait …. a queue for an hour to check in …. the airport. 6 There was a list of names, but my name wasn’t ….. the list. 7 Is there anything interesting ….. today’s newspaper? 8 I love to look up at the stars …. the sky at night. 9 When I’m a passenger …. a car, I prefer to sit …. the front. 10 I live …. a very small village. You probably won’t find it …. your map. 11 Joe works …. the furniture department of a large store. 12 Paris is …. the (river) Seine. 13 I don’t like cities. I’d much prefer to live …. the country. 14 My office is …. the top floor. It’s … your left as you come out of the lift.