5. Задание “True” or “False”.. 8. Consolidation of new material. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 5. Задание “True” or “False”. You should say these sentences “True” or “False”. The 1st group: The USA is the 10th largest country in the world. It borders on Kazakhstan in the north and Mexico in the south and has a sea-border with Russia. The longest rivers are the Mississippi (6, 400 kilometers), the Missouri(1, 600 kilometers) The Mississippi (6, 400 kilometers) is «the mother of waters». 8. Consolidation of new material. What oceans is the USA washed by? What is the longest river in the USA? What is the highest mountain peak in the USA? Name the fine Great Lakes, please. What is America’s largest state? What is the most famous waterfall in the USA?