


Случайная статья

let the cat out of the bag

let the cat out of the bag

to let a secret become known unintentionally. irse de la lengua


to put or set the cat among the pigeons that's put or set the cat among the pigeons! → ¡ eso ha puesto a los perros en danza!, ¡ ya se armó la gorda!

something the cat has brought or dragged in he looked like something the cat had brought or dragged in → estaba hecho un desastre

to look like the cat that ate the canary or > that got the cream (Brit) → estar má s ancho que largo, no caber en sí de satisfacció n

to fight like cat and dogllevarse como el perro y el gato

to see which way the cat jumpsesperar a ver de qué lado caen las peras

the cat's pyjamas or whiskers he thinks he's the cat's pyjamas or whiskers → se cree la mar de listo

(has the) cat got your tongue? → ¿ te ha comido la lengua el gato?

when the cat's away, the mice will play → cuando el gato no está, bailan los ratones

cats have nine lives → los gatos tienen siete vidas



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