It is wet!. It is the rainy season now. It rains almost every day. Some people don't like it. The ice cream sellers have trouble selling the ice cream. It is cold so people like to have hot food and drink. The rice farmers are worried about the flood. TraIt is wet! It is the rainy season now. It rains almost every day. Some people don't like it. The ice cream sellers have trouble selling the ice cream. It is cold so people like to have hot food and drink. The rice farmers are worried about the flood. Travelling on motorcycle is a problem for the riders. They will definitely get wet. They often look for shelters to be dry. Their motorcycles become dirty. Some houses have trouble with the leaking roofs. Rain may cause illness. After being in the rain, some children get fever, colds, coughs, etc. Mothers think about their laundry. They are afraid if the laundry is not dry and it will stink. It will be troublesome if the rain happens in the morning. People feel too lazy to work and many students will come late to school. Look! Everything is wet! It has been raining all night!
Answer the questions! 1. Why do the ice cream sellers hate the rainy season? 2. What do people like to have during the rainy season? 3. What makes farmers worried during the rainy season? 4. How do riders avoid the rain to be dry? 5. What happens to a motorbike if it rains? 6. What is the house problem in the rainy season? 7. What are the common illnesses in the rainy season? 8. What happens if the laundry isn’t dry? 9. What happens to students if it rains in the morning? 10. Are people lazy to work if it rains?