Задание 8.. Задание 9.. Crime Prevention ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Задание 8. Дополните предложение словами в скобках, употребив глаголы Present Perfect (использовать already) or Past Simple (по смыслу) 1. Is jim going to eat lunch with us today? No. he (eat, already)_has already eaten___________. He (eat)___ate_______ lunch an hour ago. 2. Do you and Erica want to go to the movie at the Bijou with us tonight? No, thanks. We (see, already)___have already seen________it. We (see)__saw_________it last week. 3. When are you going to write your paper for Dr. Roth? I (write, already)___has already written_________it. I (write)___wrote_____________it two days ago. 4. When is Jane going to call her parents and tell them about her engagement? She (call, tell) ___has already told_________ them. She (call)__called__________ them last night. 5. This is good book. Would you like to read it when I’m finished? Thanks, but I (read, already)____have already read_______ it. I (read)__read__________ it a couple of months ago. Задание 9. переведите третий и четвёртый абзац текста. Crime Prevention In the past years the British Government has placed greater emphasis on crime prevention. Some 12 governments have been brought together in a ministerial group to deal with crime prevention strategies. These include efforts to improve security on housing estates: to ensure that architects, planners and designers make new dwellings less easy to burgle; and to understand the root causes of crime. The Government is also seeking by the European Community to encourage car manufactures to design their products in such a way as to make it difficult for criminals to steal vehicles or their contents. Five local projects were set up with support from the Home Office to see how crime and the fear of crime could be reduced through co-ordinated action by local government, private businesses, the police and voluntary agencies. As part of the Government’s safer cities programme, these successful projects are begin extended on the same basis to some other urban areas. The establishment of local crime prevention panels has been encouraged and there are nearly 56, 000 neighbourhood watch schemes, some of which have succeeded in reducing crimes such as burglary. In 1988 Crime Concern, a national independent voluntary body was formed to support local crime prevention activity and to promote best practices in it. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme provides compensation to victims of violent crimes (including violence within the family), to people hurt while trying to arrest offenders and prevent offences and to those bereaved as a result of violence. Compensation is assessed on the basis of common law damage and usually takes the form of a lump-sum payment. In the late 1980s just fewer than 29, 600 cases were resolved by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board and over Ј 48 million were paid in compensation. Under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 the powers to make compensation order are to be extended and Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme will be established on a statutory basis: this means that victims of violent crime will be entitled- for the first time- to compensation as of right. План (схема) выдачи компенсаций за ущерб, причиненный в результате уголовных преступлений гарантирует компенсацию жертвам жестоких преступлений (включая преступлений, совершенных в семье), людям, которые были ранены во время попытки задержать преступников и предотвратить преступления, а также тем, которые были лишены имущества в результате насилия. Компенсация адресована на основании нарушения общего права и обычно принимает форму единовременной выплаты. В конце 1980х гг чуть меньше чем 29 600 дел были разрешены уголовным Советом по выдаче Компенсаций в результате повреждений и более чем 48 миллионам была выплачена компенсация. Согласно Уголовно-правовому Акту 1988 года полномочия требовать компенсацию расширяются и План (схема) выдачи компенсаций за ущерб, причиненный в результате уголовных преступлений будет основан на законном основании: это означает, что жертвы жестоких преступлений будут включены впервые в разряд преступлений, за которые требуется компенсация. In Northern Ireland there is a separate, statutory provision in certain circumstances for compensation from public funds for criminal injuries, and for malicious damage to property including the resulting losses of profits. В Северной Ирландии существует отдельное правовое гарантирование компенсации в определенных обстоятельствах со стороны общественных фондов за вред, нанесенный в результате преступлений, а также злонамеренный вред, нанесенный собственности, включая конечные убытки прибылей. There has been a rapid growth in the number of locally run victim support schemes, which offer practical help to the victims of crime on a voluntary basis. The Government provides financial assistance, both to local schemes and to a national association. Задание 10. Поставьте 5 вопросов разных типов к тексту. 1. What shows that in the past years the British Government has placed greater emphasis on crime prevention? (вопрос к подлежащему) 2. Is the Government seeking by the European Community to encourage car manufactures to design their products in such a way as to make it difficult for criminals to steal vehicles or their contents? (общий вопрос) 3. How many projects were set up with support from the Home Office to see how crime and the fear of crime could be reduced through co-ordinated action by local government, private businesses, the police and voluntary agencies? (специальный вопрос) 4. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme provides compensation to victims of violent crimes (including violence within the family), to people hurt while trying to arrest offenders and prevent offences and to those bereaved as a result of violence, doesn`t it? (разделительный вопрос) 5. Is there a separate, statutory provision in certain circumstances for compensation from public funds for criminal injuries, and for malicious damage to property including the resulting losses of profits in Nothern Ireland or in Finland? (альтернативный вопрос)