


Случайная статья

Seasons and Weather


Exercise 1. read

December, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November


Exercise 2. read and translate

1. It is cold in December, in January, and in February.

2. It is warm in April, in May.

3. It is hot in July.

4. It snows in December.

5. It rains in May.


Exercise 3. Translate

Winter, sky, summer, autumn, cold, cool, hot, December, January, warm, short, day, night.

Погода, дождь, ветер, небо, зима, осень.


Exercise 4. Прочитать и выписать в две колонки, что относится к лету, что к зиме.

It's winter. It's summer. It’s hot in summer. It’s cold in winter. June, July and August are summer months. December, January and February are winter months. The days are short and the nights are long in winter. The days are long and the nights are short in summer. I like summer. I like winter.

Summer …………………… Winter ……………………


Exercise 5. Дописать the missing word

S…. mmer,

h…. t,

au…. umn,

c…. ol,




wa….. m.


Exercise 6. Вставить пропущенный месяц

December, ……. February, …………, April, …………June, ………., August, ……….. October ………….


Exercise 7. Translate

1. Зима. Осень. Лето. Весна.

2. Холодно зимой. Летом жарко. Осенью прохладно. Весной тепло.

3. Дни длинные, ночи короткие летом. Зимой ночи длинные.

4. Июнь, июль, август – летние месяца. Декабрь, январь, февраль – зимние месяца.



Exercise 8. Test. Choose the correct answer.

1. When is the weather warm? - The weather is warm in ………. ( winter, spring, summer )

2. When is the weather hot? - The weather is hot in …. ( autumn, spring, summer )

3. When is the weather cool? - The weather is cool in ….. ( winter, summer, autumn)

4. When is the weather cold? - The weather is cold in …. ( winter, summer, spring)

5. What are three spring months? – Three spring months are … ( January, February, June, March, April, May)

6. What are the three summer months? – Three summer months are … ( March, June, August, July, May)

7. What are three autumn months? – Three autumn months are … ( August, September, March, April, October, May, November)

8. What are three winter months? - Three winter months are … ( December, November, January, July, February, September)


Exercise 10.

What is the season?

1. It is not cold, but it is not hot. The days are short. The leaves on the trees are yellow. Children go to school.

2. It is cold. The days are short. Sometimes it rains. Sometimes it snows. There are no leaves on the trees. The children can skim and skate.

3. It is cold. The days are short. The nights are long. There is a lot of snow in the fields and in the streets. Children play snowballs in the yard.

4. It is cold, but sometimes it is warm. The weather’s fine. There are first flowers in the fields and parks. We all like this season.

5. It is warm. Sometimes it is hot. The weather’s usually fine. There are many flowers in the fields and parks. Children like this season very much.


Exercise 9. Where does it happen? In winter? In summer? In autumn? In spring?

- the birds return

- it is Christmas

- time for long holiday

- chocolate eggs

- it is very hot

- the leaves fall

- the birds leave

- new leaves appear

- sometimes it snows

- it is very cold

- the dogs are very long

- the start of the year

- Valentine’s Day


Exercise 10. Text 1.

It is spring. It is warm in spring.

It is summer. It is hot in summer.

It is autumn. It is cool.

It is winter. It is cold.

It rains in summer, in autumn, in spring.

It snows in winter, sometimes in autumn.

It is not spring, it is summer.

It is not winter, it is autumn.


Exercise 11. Text 2. Spring.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter are four seasons of the year. It is spring now. March, April and May are three spring months. It is warm or cool in spring. The weather is fine in spring. You can see flowers in the fields. The tree and the grass are green.


Exercise 12. Text 3. Summer.

It is summer. June, July and August are summer months. It is hot in summer. The weather is fine in summer. The days are long and the nights are short in summer. The trees and the fields are green in summer. There are many flowers in the fields in summer.



Exercise 13. Text 4. Winter.

It is winter. It is January. January is the second winter months. In winter the weather is usually cold. The day are short and the nights are long in winter. I like winter weather. The streets, the houses, the trees and the fields are white with snow.


Exercise 14. Text 5. Read and retell.

A year has twelve months. They are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. The first month of the year is January. The last month is December.

January, March, May, July, October, and December has thirty-one days. April, June, November and September has thirty days. February has twenty- eight or twenty – nine days. In leap year February has twenty- nine days.


Exercise 15. Text 6. May Day.

Today is the first of May. The weather is fine. The sun is shining brightly. The sky is blue. The wind is not blowing. It is warm. The trees are green and the re are many flowers in the fields, parks and gardens.

The first of May is a holiday. It is a spring holiday. You can see many bright flags on the houses and in the streets. There are many men, women and children in the streets and parks. They have a good time.



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