Английский язык с Э. Хемингуэем 9 страницаThe odds would change back and forth all night and they fed the negro rum and lighted cigarettes for him.
Then the negro, after the rum, would try for a tremendous effort (затем негр, после рома, предпринял огромное усилие; tremendous — огромный, гигантский, громадный) and once he had the old man (и вывел /руку/ старика), who was not an old man then but was Santiago El Campeon (который тогда не был стариком, а был Сантьяго-чемпион; el campeó n — чемпион /исп. /), nearly three inches off balance (почти на три дюйма из баланса). But the old man had raised his hand up to dead even again (но старик снова поднял свою руку до прежнего равного положения; dead — мертвый; замерший, неподвижный; even — ровный; равный; находящийся в состоянии равновесия). He was sure then that he had the negro, who was a fine man and a great athlete, beaten (он был тогда = после этого уверен, что он победит негра, который был хорошим человеком и большим атлетом = силачом). And at daylight when the bettors were asking that it be called a draw (и на рассвете, когда держащие пари люди стали просить, чтобы была объявлена ничья) and the referee was shaking his head (а судья качал головой), he had unleashed his effort and forced the hand of the negro down and down (он высвободил свою силу и стал пригибать руку негра все ниже и ниже; to unleash — спускать с привязи; высвобождать, давать волю; leash — поводок; цепь /на которой держат и водят животных/) until it rested on the wood (пока она не оказалась: «не покоилась» на дереве = столе). The match had started on a Sunday morning and ended on a Monday morning (поединок начался в воскресенье утром и закончился в понедельник утром). Many of the bettors had asked for a draw because they had to go to work (многие, кто ставил, просили о ничье, потому что им нужно было идти на работу) on the docks loading sacks of sugar (в порт, грузить мешки с сахаром) or at the Havana Coal Company (или в Гаванскую угольную компанию). Otherwise everyone would have wanted it to go to a finish (если бы не это, все бы хотели, чтобы он /матч/ дошел до завершения; otherwise — иначе, во всем остальном). But he had finished it anyway (но он закончил его, как бы то ни было) and before anyone had to go to work (перед тем, как всем нужно было идти на работу).
tremendous [trI'mendqs], otherwise ['ADqwaIz], anyway ['enIweI]
Then the negro, after the rum, would try for a tremendous effort and once he had the old man, who was not an old man then but was Santiago El Campeon, nearly three inches off balance. But the old man had raised his hand up to dead even again. He was sure then that he had the negro, who was a fine man and a great athlete, beaten. And at daylight when the bettors were asking that it be called a draw and the referee was shaking his head, he had unleashed his effort and forced the hand of the negro down and down until it rested on the wood. The match had started on a Sunday morning and ended on a Monday morning. Many of the bettors had asked for a draw because they had to go to work on the docks loading sacks of sugar or at the Havana Coal Company. Otherwise everyone would have wanted it to go to a finish. But he had finished it anyway and before anyone had to go to work.
For a long time after that everyone had called him The Champion (долгое время после этого все называли его чемпионом) and there had been a return match in the spring (и весной был матч-реванш). But not much money was bet and he had won it quite easily (но не много денег было поставлено, и он выиграл его довольно просто) since he had broken the confidence of the negro from Cienfuegos in the first match (потому что он сломил уверенность негра из Сьенфуэгоса в первом матче). After that he had a few matches and then no more (после этого у него было еще несколько соревнований, а потом больше не было). He decided that he could beat anyone if he wanted to badly enough (он решил, что он может победить кого угодно, если захочет этого достаточно сильно; badly — очень сильно) and he decided that it was bad for his right hand for fishing (и он решил, что это /соревнования/ плохо сказывается на правой руке, которая нужна для рыбалки). He had tried a few practice matches with his left hand (он пробовал несколько раз соревноваться левой рукой). But his left hand had always been a traitor (но его левая рука всегда была предательницей) and would not do what he called on it to do (и не делала того, что он ей говорил делать; to call on — призывать) and he did not trust it (и он не доверял ей). The sun will bake it out well now (солнце припечет ее теперь хорошенько), he thought. It should not cramp on me again (ее не должно снова свести судорогой) unless it gets too cold in the night (только если ночью не станет слишком холодно). I wonder what this night will bring (интересно, что эта ночь принесет). An airplane passed overhead on its course to Miami (самолет пролетел над головой своим курсом на Майами) and he watched its shadow scaring up the schools of flying fish (и он наблюдал, как тень от него вспугивает = поднимает косяки летучих рыб; to scare — отпугивать, распугивать).
traitor ['treItq], course [kLs], Miami [maI'xmI]
For a long time after that everyone had called him The Champion and there had been a return match in the spring. But not much money was bet and he had won it quite easily since he had broken the confidence of the negro from Cienfuegos in the first match. After that he had a few matches and then no more. He decided that he could beat anyone if he wanted to badly enough and he decided that it was bad for his right hand for fishing. He had tried a few practice matches with his left hand. But his left hand had always been a traitor and would not do what he called on it to do and he did not trust it. The sun will bake it out well now, he thought. It should not cramp on me again unless it gets too cold in the night. I wonder what this night will bring. An airplane passed overhead on its course to Miami and he watched its shadow scaring up the schools of flying fish.
" With so much flying fish there should be dolphin (раз здесь столько летучей рыбы, то должна быть и дорадо), " he said, and leaned back on the line to see if it was possible to gain any on his fish (и прислонился назад на лесу = уперся спиной о лесу, чтобы проверить, возможно ли подтянуть ее ближе: «получить/выиграть немного лесы от его рыбы»). But he could not (но он не мог) and it stayed at the hardness and water-drop shivering that preceded breaking (и она /леса/ оставалась на той упругости и дрожании капелек воды, которая предшествует разрыву). The boat moved ahead slowly (лодка двигалась вперед медленно) and he watched the airplane until he could no longer see it (и он смотрел на самолет, пока не смог его больше видеть = пока тот не скрылся). It must be very strange in an airplane (в самолете, должно быть, очень странно), he thought. I wonder what the sea looks like from that height (интересно, как выглядит море с такой высоты)? They should be able to see the fish well if they do not fly too high (они могли бы хорошо видеть рыбу, если бы не летели слишком высоко). I would like to fly very slowly at two hundred fathoms high (я хотел бы медленно лететь на высоте в двести саженей) and see the fish from above (и видеть рыбу сверху). In the turtle boats I was in the cross-trees of the mast-head (в «черепашьих» лодках = когда я плавал за черепахами я взбирался на верхушку мачты) and even at that height I saw much (и даже с такой высоты я многое видел). The dolphin look greener from there (дорадо выглядит зеленее оттуда) and you can see their stripes and their purple spots (и ты можешь видеть их полоски и фиолетовые пятна) and you can see all of the school as they swim (и видишь всю плывущую стаю). Why is it that all the fast-moving fish of the dark current (почему так /получается/, что вся быстрая рыба темного течения = плавающая на темной глубине) have purple backs and usually purple stripes or spots (имеет фиолетовые спины и обычно фиолетовые полоски или пятна)? The dolphin looks green of course because he is really golden (дорадо, конечно, кажется зеленой, потому что она на самом деле золотистая). But when he comes to feed, truly hungry (но когда он кормится, действительно голодный), purple stripes show on his sides as on a marlin (фиолетовые полоски проступают по его бокам, как у марлиня). Can it be anger (может это быть из-за злости), or the greater speed he makes that brings them out (или бó льшая скорость, которую он развивает, заставляет их появиться)?
precede [prI'sJd], airplane ['eqpleIn], anger ['xNgq]
" With so much flying fish there should be dolphin, " he said, and leaned back on the line to see if it was possible to gain any on his fish. But he could not and it stayed at the hardness and water-drop shivering that preceded breaking. The boat moved ahead slowly and he watched the airplane until he could no longer see it. It must be very strange in an airplane, he thought. I wonder what the sea looks like from that height? They should be able to see the fish well if they do not fly too high. I would like to fly very slowly at two hundred fathoms high and see the fish from above. In the turtle boats I was in the cross-trees of the mast-head and even at that height I saw much. The dolphin look greener from there and you can see their stripes and their purple spots and you can see all of the school as they swim. Why is it that all the fast-moving fish of the dark current have purple backs and usually purple stripes or spots? The dolphin looks green of course because he is really golden. But when he comes to feed, truly hungry, purple stripes show on his sides as on a marlin. Can it be anger, or the greater speed he makes that brings them out?
Just before it was dark (как раз перед тем как стемнело), as they passed a great island of Sargasso weed (когда они проходили мимо большого острова саргассовых водорослей) that heaved and swung in the light sea (которые вздымались и раскачивались в легких волнах; to heave — вздыматься; подниматься и опускаться; to swing — качаться, колебаться) as though the ocean were making love with something under a yellow blanket (как будто океан занимался любовью с чем-то под желтым покрывалом), his small line was taken by a dolphin (его маленькая леска поймала дорадо: «была взята дорадо»). He saw it first when it jumped in the air (он впервые увидел его, когда тот выпрыгнул в воздух), true gold in the last of the sun (истинно золотой в лучах заходящего солнца: «последнего солнца») and bending and flapping wildly in the air (изгибаясь и хлопая /плавниками/ дико = яростно в воздухе). It jumped again and again in the acrobatics of its fear (он выпрыгивал снова и снова в акробатике своего страха) and he worked his way back to the stern (и он /старик/ перебрался обратно на корму) and crouching and holding the big line with his right hand and arm (и, присев и держа большую лесу правой рукой и локтем), he pulled the dolphin in with his left hand (он вытащил дорадо левой рукой), stepping on the gained line each time with his bare left foot (каждый раз наступая на вытянутую лесу своей голой стопой левой ноги). When the fish was at the stern (когда рыба была у кормы), plunging and cutting from side to side in desperation (бьющаяся и бросающаяся из стороны в сторону в отчаянии; plunge — нырять; бросаться), the old man leaned over the stern (старик перегнулся через корму) and lifted the burnished gold fish with its purple spots over the stern (и поднял блестящую золотую рыбу с фиолетовыми пятнами на лодку: «через корму»; to burnish — чистить, полировать). Its jaws were working convulsively in quick bites against the hook (ее челюсти судорожно кусали крючок) and it pounded the bottom of the skiff with its long flat body (и она билась на дне лодки своим длинным плоским телом), its tail and its head (хвостом и головой) until he clubbed it across the shining golden head (пока он не ударил дубиной по ее сияющей золотой голове) until it shivered and was still (пока она не вздрогнула и не замерла).
heave [hJv], crouch [krauC], plunge [plAnG]
Just before it was dark, as they passed a great island of Sargasso weed that heaved and swung in the light sea as though the ocean were making love with something under a yellow blanket, his small line was taken by a dolphin. He saw it first when it jumped in the air, true gold in the last of the sun and bending and flapping wildly in the air. It jumped again and again in the acrobatics of its fear and he worked his way back to the stern and crouching and holding the big line with his right hand and arm, he pulled the dolphin in with his left hand, stepping on the gained line each time with his bare left foot. When the fish was at the stern, plunging and cutting from side to side in desperation, the old man leaned over the stern and lifted the burnished gold fish with its purple spots over the stern. Its jaws were working convulsively in quick bites against the hook and it pounded the bottom of the skiff with its long flat body, its tail and its head until he clubbed it across the shining golden head until it shivered and was still.
The old man unhooked the fish (старик снял рыбу с крючка), re-baited the line with another sardine (снова наживил леску другой сардиной) and tossed it over (и бросил ее за борт). Then he worked his way slowly back to the bow (затем он медленно перебрался назад на нос). He washed his left hand and wiped it on his trousers (он помыл свою левую руку и вытер ее о брюки). Then he shifted the heavy line from his right hand to his left (затем он переместил тяжелую лесу с правой руки на левую) and washed his right hand in the sea (и вымыл правую руку в море) while he watched the sun go into the ocean (наблюдая, как солнце садится за океан) and the slant of the big cord (и за наклоном большой лесы). " He hasn't changed at all (она не изменилась совсем = ничего не изменилось), " he said. But watching the movement of the water against his hand (но, наблюдая за движением воды около его руки) he noted that it was perceptibly slower (он заметил, что оно стало ощутимо медленнее; perceptibly — заметно, ощутимо). " I'll lash the two oars together (я свяжу два весла; to lash togerher — крепко связывать) across the stern (/прикреплю их/ поперек кормы) and that will slow him in the night (и это замедлит ее ночью), " he said. " He's good for the night and so am I (ей хватит сил на ночь, и мне тоже). "
perceptibly [pq'septqblI], lash [lxS], night [naIt]
The old man unhooked the fish, re-baited the line with another sardine and tossed it over. Then he worked his way slowly back to the bow. He washed his left hand and wiped it on his trousers. Then he shifted the heavy line from his right hand to his left and washed his right hand in the sea while he watched the sun go into the ocean and the slant of the big cord. " He hasn't changed at all, " he said. But watching the movement of the water against his hand he noted that it was perceptibly slower. " I'll lash the two oars together across the stern and that will slow him in the night, " he said. " He's good for the night and so am I. "
It would be better to gut the dolphin a little later (будет лучше выпотрошить дорадо немного позже) to save the blood in the meat (чтобы сохранить кровь в мясе), he thought. I can do that a little later (я могу сделать это немного позже) and lash the oars to make a drag at the same time (и свяжу весла, чтобы притормозить лодку: «создать помеху», в то же время). I had better keep the fish quiet now (мне лучше сейчас не беспокоить рыбу: «держать рыбу спокойной») and not disturb him too much at sunset (и не сильно беспокоить ее на закате). The setting of the sun is a difficult time for all fish (заход солца — трудное время для всякой рыбы). He let his hand dry in the air (он обсушил руку на ветру) then grasped the line with it (затем схватил ею лесу) and eased himself as much as he could (и устроился настолько удобно, насколько мог; to ease — облегчать, делать более легким) and allowed himself to be pulled forward against the wood (и позволил подтянуть себя к дощатой обивке: «доскам») so that the boat took the strain as much, or more, than he did (чтобы лодка приняла столько же нагрузки, или больше, чем он). I'm learning how to do it (я учусь, как это делать), he thought. This part of it anyway (во всяком случае эту часть). Then too, remember he hasn't eaten since he took the bait (помни, что она не ела с тех пор, как заглотила наживку) and he is huge and needs much food (а она огромна и нуждается в большом количестве еды). I have eaten the whole bonito (я съел целого тунца). Tomorrow I will eat the dolphin (завтра я съем дорадо). He called it dorado (он называл ее дорадо /исп. золотистый/). Perhaps I should eat some of it when I clean it (возможно, мне следует съесть немного, когда буду ее чистить). It will be harder to eat than the bonito (его будет сложнее есть, чем тунца). But, then, nothing is easy (но, с другой стороны, ничего не дается легко: «ничто /не/ легко»).
dorado [dq'rRdqu], tomorrow [tq'mOrqu], should [Sud]
It would be better to gut the dolphin a little later to save the blood in the meat, he thought. I can do that a little later and lash the oars to make a drag at the same time. I had better keep the fish quiet now and not disturb him too much at sunset. The setting of the sun is a difficult time for all fish. He let his hand dry in the air then grasped the line with it and eased himself as much as he could and allowed himself to be pulled forward against the wood so that the boat took the strain as much, or more, than he did. I'm learning how to do it, he thought. This part of it anyway. Then too, remember he hasn't eaten since he took the bait and he is huge and needs much food. I have eaten the whole bonito. Tomorrow I will eat the dolphin. He called it dorado. Perhaps I should eat some of it when I clean it. It will be harder to eat than the bonito. But, then, nothing is easy.
" How do you feel, fish (как ты себя чувствуешь, рыба)? " he asked aloud (спросил он вслух). " I feel good (я чувствую себя хорошо) and my left hand is better (и моей левой руке уже лучше) and I have food for a night and a day (и у меня есть еда на ночь и день). Pull the boat, fish (тяни лодку, рыба). " He did not truly feel good (он на самом деле не чувствовал себя хорошо; truly — действительно, по-настоящему) because the pain from the cord across his back (потому что боль от бечевы поперек его спины) had almost passed pain and gone into a dullness that he mistrusted (почти перестала быть болью и перешла в глухую ломоту, которой он не доверял; dull — тупой, притупленный). But I have had worse things than that (но со мной случались вещи и похуже, чем это), he thought. My hand is only cut a little (моя рука порезана лишь чуть-чуть) and the cramp is gone from the other (и судорога ушла из другой /руки/). My legs are all right (мои ноги впорядке). Also now I have gained on him in the question of sustenance (а также теперь у мне есть преимущество в вопросе питания; sustenance — поддержание, поддержка; питание; пища; to sustain — поддерживать). It was dark now as it becomes dark quickly after the sun sets in September (было темно, как быстро темнеет: «становится темно» после того, как солнце садится в сентябре). He lay against the worn wood of the bow (он лежал, прислонившись к потертым доскам на носу лодки; to wear — снашивать) and rested all that he could (и отдыхал как мог = старался хорошо отдохнуть). The first stars were out (первые звезды показались: «были = вышли наружу»). He did not know the name of Rigel (он не знал имени Рихель = что звезда называется Рихель /звезда в нижнем левом углу созвездия Орион, от араб. «риджль» — нога/) but he saw it and knew soon they would all be out (но он видел ее и знал, что вскоре они все покажутся) and he would have all his distant friends (и с ним будут все его далекие друзья; distant — дальний, далекий). " The fish is my friend too (рыба тоже мой друг), " he said aloud. " I have never seen or heard of such a fish (я никогда не видел и не слышал ничего о такой рыбе). But I must kill him (но я должен убить ее). I am glad we do not have to try to kill the stars (я рад, что нам не нужно пытаться убить звезды). "
dullness ['dAlnqs], sustenance ['sAstInqns], Rigel ['raIGql]
" How do you feel, fish? " he asked aloud. " I feel good and my left hand is better and I have food for a night and a day. Pull the boat, fish. " He did not truly feel good because the pain from the cord across his back had almost passed pain and gone into a dullness that he mistrusted. But I have had worse things than that, he thought. My hand is only cut a little and the cramp is gone from the other. My legs are all right. Also now I have gained on him in the question of sustenance. It was dark now as it becomes dark quickly after the sun sets in September. He lay against the worn wood of the bow and rested all that he could. The first stars were out. He did not know the name of Rigel but he saw it and knew soon they would all be out and he would have all his distant friends. " The fish is my friend too, " he said aloud. " I have never seen or heard of such a fish. But I must kill him. I am glad we do not have to try to kill the stars. "
Imagine if each day a man must try to kill the moon (представь себе, если каждый день человек должен был бы пытаться убить луну; to imagine — представлять себе, воображать), he thought. The moon runs away (луна убегает прочь). But imagine if a man each day should have to try to kill the sun (но представь себе, если бы человек каждый день должен был пытаться убить солнце)? We were born lucky (мы родились счастливыми = нам еще повезло), he thought. Then he was sorry for the great fish (затем ему стало жалко большую рыбу) that had nothing to eat (которой нечего было есть) and his determination to kill him never relaxed in his sorrow for him (и его намерение убить ее никогда не уменьшало его сочувствия к ней; sorrow — горе, печаль; сожаление). How many people will he feed (скольких людей она накормит), he thought. But are they worthy to eat him (но достойны ли они есть ее)? No, of course not (нет, конечно же, нет). There is no one worthy of eating him (нет никого, кто был был достоин съесть ее) from the manner of his behaviour and his great dignity (судя по ее поведению и великому благородству; dignity — достоинство, гордость). I do not understand these things (я не понимаю этих вещей), he thought. But it is good that we do not have to try to kill the sun (но это хорошо, что нам не нужно пытаться убить солнце) or the moon (или луну) or the stars (или звезды). It is enough to live on the sea (достаточно жить на море = морем) and kill our true brothers (и убивать наших истинных братьев = достаточно и того, что мы…).
imagine [I'mxGIn], determination [dItWmI'neISn], behaviour [bI'heIvjq]
Imagine if each day a man must try to kill the moon, he thought. The moon runs away. But imagine if a man each day should have to try to kill the sun? We were born lucky, he thought. Then he was sorry for the great fish that had nothing to eat and his determination to kill him never relaxed in his sorrow for him. How many people will he feed, he thought. But are they worthy to eat him? No, of course not. There is no one worthy of eating him from the manner of his behaviour and his great dignity. I do not understand these things, he thought. But it is good that we do not have to try to kill the sun or the moon or the stars. It is enough to live on the sea and kill our true brothers.
Now, he thought, I must think about the drag (я должен думать о помехе /из весел/). It has its perils and its merits (в ней есть свои опасности и достоинства; peril — опасность; merit — заслуга, достоинство, добродетель). I may lose so much line that I will lose him (я могу потерять так много лесы, что упущу ее /рыбу/), if he makes his effort (если она сделает рывок: «попытку») and the drag made by the oars is in place (и обуза, созданная веслами, будет на месте) and the boat loses all her lightness (и лодка потеряет всю свою легкость). Her lightness prolongs both our suffering (ее легкость продлевает страдания нам обоим) but it is my safety (но она /легкость/ — моя безопасность) since he has great speed that he has never yet employed (потому как у нее большая скорость, которую она еще ни разу не использовала; to employ — применять, использовать). No matter what passes (что бы ни случилось) I must gut the dolphin (я должен выпотрошить дорадо) so he does not spoil (чтобы она не испортилась) and eat some of him to be strong (и поесть ее, чтобы быть сильным). Now I will rest an hour more (сейчас я отдохну еще час) and feel that he is solid and steady (и уверюсь, что рыба спокойна: «основательна и неизменна»; to feel — чувствовать) before I move back to the stern to do the work (перед тем, как вернусь на корму, чтобы сделать работу) and make the decision (и принять решение). In the meantime I can see how he acts (а пока я посмотрю, как она себя ведет; in the meantime — тем временем) and if he shows any changes (и не покажет ли она изменений = не изменит ли свое поведение). The oars are a good trick (весла — хорошая выдумка: «трюк, хитрость»); but it has reached the time to play for safety (но пришло время действовать наверняка: «играть для безопасности»). He is much fish still (она все еще весьма рыба = она еще в полной силе) and I saw that the hook was in the corner of his mouth (и я видел, что крючок был в уголке ее пасти) and he has kept his mouth tight shut (и она держала пасть крепко закрытой). The punishment of the hook is nothing (кара = мучение от крючка — ничто; to punish — наказывать; карать; разг. грубо обращаться). The punishment of hunger (мучение от голода), and that he is against something that he does not comprehend (и от того, что она /борется/ против чего-то, что она не понимает; to comprehend — понимать, постигать), is everything (всё). Rest now, old man (теперь отдыхай, старик), and let him work until your next duty comes (пускай она трудится, пока не настанет твой черед: «твое следущее дежурство»; duty — долг; служебные обязанности; дежурство).
peril ['perIl], employ [Im'plOI], punishment ['pAnISmqnt]
Now, he thought, I must think about the drag. It has its perils and its merits. I may lose so much line that I will lose him, if he makes his effort and the drag made by the oars is in place and the boat loses all her lightness. Her lightness prolongs both our suffering but it is my safety since he has great speed that he has never yet employed. No matter what passes I must gut the dolphin so he does not spoil and eat some of him to be strong. Now I will rest an hour more and feel that he is solid and steady before I move back to the stern to do the work and make the decision. In the meantime I can see how he acts and if he shows any changes. The oars are a good trick; but it has reached the time to play for safety. He is much fish still and I saw that the hook was in the corner of his mouth and he has kept his mouth tight shut. The punishment of the hook is nothing. The punishment of hunger, and that he is against something that he does not comprehend, is everything. Rest now, old man, and let him work until your next duty comes.
He rested for what he believed to be two hours (он отдыхал, как ему казалось, около двух часов). The moon did not rise now until late (луна выходила теперь поздно: «луна не поднималась теперь, пока не становилось поздно») and he had no way of judging the time (и он не мог определить время). Nor was he really resting except comparatively (к тому же он не отдыхал, кроме как сравнительно = да и отдыхал он только так, относительно; nor — и... не, также... не; /употр. для усиления утверждения в отриц. предложении, следующем за утвердительным/ также, тоже... не). He was still bearing the pull of the fish across his shoulders (он все еще нес вес рыбы на своих плечах) but he placed his left hand on the gunwale of the bow (но он положил свою левую руку на планшир носа лодки) and confided more and more of the resistance to the fish to the skiff itself (и передавал все больше и больше сопротивления рыбе самой лодке; to confide — вверять, поручать). How simple it would be if I could make the line fast (как было бы просто, если бы я смог закрепить лесу), he thought. But with one small lurch he could break it (но одним небольшим рывком она смогла бы порвать ее). I must cushion the pull of the line with my body (я должен уменьшить давление лесы на мое тело; to cushion — смягчать, уменьшать; cushion — диванная подушка) and at all times be ready to give line with both hands (и в любое время должен быть готов отпустить лесу обеими руками; at all times — всегда).