On Day 6 of the Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples’ Court of Public Opinion, Vera Sharav testified as to the similarities between the Nazi Germany era regime and the Covid era regime. “I want address the pivotal role that eugenics – as a hierarchical, a
Vera Sharav: How Eugenics Leads to Genocide, WWII and The Spanish Flu BY RHODA WILSON ON MARCH 7, 2022 • ( 6 COMMENTS ) Listen Now
On Day 6 of the Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples’ Court of Public Opinion, Vera Sharav testified as to the similarities between the Nazi Germany era regime and the Covid era regime. “I want address the pivotal role that eugenics – as a hierarchical, authoritarian ideology – is and it leads to genocide. That’s its endgame, ” she said. She also testified as to what really caused the Spanish flu pandemic. Dr. Eleanor McBean wrote, only those who were vaccinated perished. Sound familiar? Sharav asked and then explained, “when the war ended, the Rockefeller Institute sent the deadly meningitis concoction [vaccine] for use in civilians in England, France, Belgium, Italy and other Western European countries. Thereby spreading the epidemic worldwide. ”
Vera Sharav is a public advocate for human rights is the founder and president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP). As a Holocaust survivor she has previous first-hand experience of totalitarian regimes. During her testimony given on Day 6 of the Grand Jury Proceedings her statement included:: “As we know, honesty is nowhere to be found within the corporate dominated government and public health agencies. So, for two years, we’ve all been subjected to the psychological weapons that the Nazis use to maintain a state of anxiety. “The horrific scenes of police in black uniforms brutally attacking demonstrators in European cities, in Ottawa, in Australia, and in Israel. These scenes are absolute painful reminders of the Holocaust. The objective under the Nazis, and now, is actually exactly the same. It is to gain control over people’s lives by conditioning them to obey government directives no matter what. “Eugenics was crafted and appeals to the elite segments of society. But it also appeals to the corporate oligarchs and selected government officials, and that’s more important. “The British eugenicists provided the theoretical foundation which has then been used to justify social and economic inequality, to legitimise discrimination and apartheid, as well as violence against dissenters. But it was the American robber barons who provided the financial, the practical, means that set in motion public policies and population control legislation. “In 1915, a joint eugenics venture was brokered by John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone, and Mrs. E. H. Harriman, mother of the future statesman Avril Harriman. “They funded a massive lobbying campaign for the enactment of laws to sterilise those whom they deemed unfit. Sterilisation laws were first enacted in 28 States. In the United States, their objective was to sterilise 10% of the American population. That was 15 million Americans. This was to be accomplished under the guise of improving public health and the human race. “US sterilisation laws served as, you know, the model for the Nazi racial hygiene laws. ” Below is the video of Sharav’s testimony and the transcript. Click on the image below to watch the video on Bitchute.
After Sharav had finished giving her testimony, Reiner Fuellmich briefly explained what is coming up next for the Grand Jury Proceedings: “We’ll take a short break of maybe two weeks or so. And during that break, we’re going to play some of the witnesses’ testimony because it is always important. “And also, we’re going to summarise all of the six sessions that we’ve had so that we can see them in 20-minute clips that will be easier to digest. “At the end of the next two weeks, we’re going to have closing arguments, and then we’re going to have people vote on what they’ve seen. The Jury will decide whether or not the six people, the putative defendants will be indicted. ” The six putative defendants are: Christian Drosten, Anthony Fauci, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Bill Gates, BlackRock and Pfizer. Further Resources Watch the full Grand Jury sessions Days 1-6 on Odysee HERE or on Internet Archive, with chapters and timestamps: · Day 1, Opening statements, 05 February 2022 · Day 2, General historical and geopolitical backdrop, 12 February 2022 · Day 3, PCR test, 13 February 2022 · Day 4, Injections, 19 February 2022 · Day 5, Financial destruction, 20 February 2022 · Day 6, Eugenics, closing arguments and outlook, 26 February 2022 Logistic support is provided to the proceedings by the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee: website (German) or website (English). More information about the proceedings and contact details can be found on the Grand Jury’s website, HERE.