Те, кто оценивает свои знания на «4» или «5», сдают еще пересказ текста своего варианта по WhatsApp
Задания для 1Агрономия (для студентов заочного обучения) (преподаватель Малышева Татьяна Юрьевна)
Ребята, контрольную работу высылаете на эл. почту: val. kor53@yandex. ru Файл подписываем, например, 1Агро_Иванов И. И. заоч. обуч.
Задания: 1. Изучите грамматический материал (методическое пособие прилагается): 1) Времена активного залога стр. 46-47 2) Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты стр. 57-58 3) Времена пассивного залога стр. 58 4) Формы причастий стр. 58 5) Инфинитивные обороты стр. 60-63
2. Выполните письменно контрольную работу. Вариант определяется по последним цифрам шифра студенческого билета: шифр, оканчивающийся на 1 и 2, соответствует варианту №1; на 3 и 4 – варианту №2; на 5 и 6 – варианту №3; на 7 и 8 – варианту №4; на 9 и 0 – варианту №5. Те, кто оценивает свои знания на «4» или «5», сдают еще пересказ текста своего варианта по WhatsApp тел. 8 912 831-43-48 Пн, ср, пт с 17. 00 до 19. 00
Вариант 1 Переведите письменно текст Triticale. Triticale, the first man-mad grain, is a mating of the ancient grains, wheat and rye. It is a remarkable hybrid, combining the high yield and high-protein content of wheat with the ruggedness of rye. Relatively disease-resistant and hardly enough to thrive in some unfavourable soils and climates, triticale today is being grown experimentally on five continents. The new grain is also being grown experimentally in a half-dozen European countries. Hungary, for example, grows 175, 000 acres for fodder and flour. It is being grown successfully on limited areas in western Canada and in southwest of the USA. The scientists genetically redesigned the whole plant and today have produced more than 2000 new combinations of wheat and rye. In the USA scientists in nearly every state are pursuing some of triticale research. In West Texas some triticales have yielded about 18 percent protein, higher than commercial wheat and flour and pancake mix are now being marketed. Currently, hardy spring and winter varieties are developed for higher yields, greater disease resistance and wider adaptability to different regions. Ответьте письменно на вопросы. 1 What is triticale? 2 Where is triticale being grown today? 3 How many combinations of wheat and rye have scientists developed? Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения глаголов to be, to have. 1 The farmers had a good yield of wheat last year. 2 We have sown sunflower in time. 3 They are to consult the specialists. 4 A new job will be given to her.
Переведите предложения и укажите время и залог глагола-сказуемого в каждом предложении. 1 Specialists of agriculture are trained at agricultural colleges and academies. 2 The agricultural machines have been repaired. 3 We harvest the yields of different crops in autumn. 4 This combine is plowing the soil now.
Переведите, учитывая правила перевода модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов. 1 Corn may be called the “king” of the grain crops. 2 Agronomists must know much about different varieties of plants. 3 He will be able to use this equipment in the laboratory. 4 You could see how they worked.
Переведите, учитывая правила перевода “ субъектного” и “ объектного” инфинитивного оборота. 1 Scientists are reported to have found new medicine against serious diseases. 2 His grandma wanted him to help her in the garden. 3 All the processes on the farm are said to be mechanized. 4 He seems to grow very rare plants.
Переведите предложения, учитывая различные функции причастия I и причастия II. 1 At the moment her father is watering plants in the garden. 2 People taking books from the library must return them back. 3 The given explanation was not complete. 4 The scientists have already finished their experiment.
Вариант 2
Переведите письменно текст The Importance of Tillage. Correct mechanical tillage of the soil is of much importance in the struggle for the increased yield of crops. All the various forms of mechanical tillage of the soil principally include 2 processes- turning over the upper layer of the soil and its breaking up. The first process is achieved by ploughing, the second by harrowing These two processes make the soil better fit for the development of the roots of cultivated crops. At the same time soil becomes more accessible to atmospheric moisture and air necessary for nutrition of plants as well as for the life activities of useful soil bacteria. This hastens the changes in the soil, the decomposition of organic substances, the transformation of insoluble substances into soluble; it renders the composition of the soil more favourable for the development of plants. The mechanical tillage of the soil leads also to destruction of weeds. Careless or untimely tillage of the soil results in an overgrowing of fields by weeds, thus causing bad crops. One of the most effective means of fighting weeds is the so-called black fallow. That is ploughing and harrowing a field several times during the summer without sowing anything. Another means is the introduction of row cultures, such as potatoes, beets and corn, where the spaces left between the rows are broken up from time to time by cultivation.
Ответьте письменно на вопросы. 1 Are there two processes in mechanical tillage of soil? 2 What are they? 3 What is one of the most effective means of fighting weeds?
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения глаголов to be, to have. 1 Professor N. was to deliver a lecture on plants diseases. 2 My favourite occupation is to read books. 3 They had to get up very early last Sunday because they went fishing. 4 They have a very beautiful cherry garden.
Переведите предложения и укажите время и залог глагола-сказуемого в каждом предложении. 1 The problem of farm mechanization was discussed at the conference. 2 Agricultural machines do different kinds of work. 3 The scientists will have finished the experiment by the end of the year. 4 He obtained important results by means of hard work.
Переведите, учитывая правила перевода модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов. 1 The cultivator may help to struggle against weeds. 2 The farmers were able to use fertilizers in time. 3 Cotton must be irrigated in dry climate. 4 They couldn’t harvest the crops because of wet weather. Переведите, учитывая правила перевода “ субъектного” и “ объектного” инфинитивного оборота. 1 These plants are known to be widely used for feeding animals. 2 We expect every student to know the difference between species. 3 Vegetables are said to grow well under favourable conditions. 4 The weather seems to change soon.
Переведите предложения, учитывая различные функции причастия I и причастия II. 1 Agriculture is one of the leading branches of economy. 2 The scientists have studied the influence of the solar energy on the plants. 3 She was sitting in the room silent. 4 Forests planted many years ago now bring much oxygen.
Вариант 3
Переведите письменно текст What is soil? Soil is the mixture of mineral and organic material at the land surface of the earth that is capable of substaining plant life. The minerals and rocks that compose the earth’s surface had a common origin, and the elements required by plants are found over entire surface of the earth, although in highly variable proportions. The weathering of the rocks and minerals has been going on for millions of years, until most of the earth’s surface is now a mass of finely divided mineral matter. As plants cover the land, the roots are abundant, near the surface, and as the plants die, there remains fall on the surface of the ground. As a consequence, organic matter accumulates on and in the surface of the soil. This is characteristic of soils over the entire earth. Another important characteristic is that plant cover stabilizes the soil against erosion, and as water percolates through the soil, there is movement of the finer particles to lower depths. Therefore, as soils develop with time, there is a tendency toward a development of a layer of clay beneath a layer of coarser textured topsoil. Soils are mixtures of mineral and organic materials and surprisingly porous. In the pore spaces, which may occupy more than half the volume of soil, there are variable proportions of water and air.
Ответьте письменно на вопросы. 1 Where does organic matter come from? 2 Where is organic matter accumulated? 3 What stabilizes soil against erosion? 4 The mixture of what materials is the soil?
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения глаголов to be, to have. 1The work I am doing now is very difficult. 2 The meeting was to take place in the conference hall. 3 The results have shown that some changes will have to be done in this experiment. 4 The farmer has one tractor and a combine. Переведите предложения и укажите время и залог глагола-сказуемого в каждом предложении. 1 The use of fertilizes increases soil fertility. 2 The soil has been plowed in time. 3 The students are listening to the teacher with great interest. 4 The potato yield was not good last year. Переведите, учитывая правила перевода модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов. 1 The weather may change greatly in spring. 2 Farmers could till the soil many hundred years ago. 3 Different agricultural machines are able to do many kinds of agricultural work. 4 You must do everything in time.
Переведите, учитывая правила перевода “ субъектного” и “ объектного” инфинитивного оборота. 1 This college is considered to be the best in the city. 2 We expect everything to be ready for the experiment. 3 The teacher wanted the students to write the test well. 4 He was said to know all the plants grown in this region.
Переведите предложения, учитывая различные функции причастия I и причастия II. 1Much grain is used for feeding animals. 2 The method used by the farmer gave good results. 3 The driver is repairing the car using new spare parts. 4 The air surrounding the Earth is called the atmosphere.
Вариант 4
Переведите письменно текст Annual, Biennial and Perennial Plants. In the course of its growth a plant passes through a definite cycle consisting of three separate stages: germination, the development of vegetative parts, the flowering, with the final production of seed. Some plants complete the cycle of growth within one season, and are referred to as annuals. The cereals and many weeds are annuals. Many plants need two years to complete their cycle of growth. The first season of growth is devoted to the growth of vegetative parts and of the building up of a reserve of plant food. It is available in the second year of growth for the production of flowers and seeds. Plants in this group are known as biennials, and all of them create a reserve a food for the second year. A number of garden vegetables, such as carrots, parsnips and turnips and many farm root crops: mangolds and sugar beet, store a reserve of food in the “root” or in some modification of it. Crops of the cabbage family are also biennial. There is a third group of plants known as perennials. Many of these produce flowers and seeds every year, but the plants themselves survive and gradually increase in size. Some perennials are described as herbaceous, and the leaves and stems die down at the end of the growing season. Many grasses and other fodder crops such as lucerne and sainfoin are herbaceous perennials. Other Forms of perennial plants are described as shrubby, and some are trees, with a number of wooden branches, which increase in size from year to year. The stems do not die down in winter but apart from the evergreen plants, most trees and shrubs lose their leaves.
Ответьте письменно на вопросы. 1 What plants do we call annuals? 2 What plants are known as biennials? 3 What plants do we call perennials?
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения глаголов to be, to have. 1 A good practical knowledge of English is of great importance. 2 He had no mistakes in the last test. 3 Many different books have to be published. 4 English is spoken in many countries of the world.
Переведите предложения и укажите время и залог глагола-сказуемого в каждом предложении. 1 The new sports club is being built in our district now. 2 This work has already been done. 3 I saw my friend yesterday. 4 The farmers grow different crops. Переведите, учитывая правила перевода модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов. 1 The soil may be plowed in spring and in autumn. 2 Nowadays farmers must use herbicides. 3 The scientists were able to select new kinds of corn. 4 We have to write a control work.
Переведите, учитывая правила перевода “ субъектного” и “ объектного” инфинитивного оборота. 1 The house is said to have been built in the 18th century. 2 I know him to have been a very good historian. 3 The delegation is reported to have left Moscow. 4 I want you to do the work in time. Переведите предложения, учитывая различные функции причастия I и причастия II. 1Protecting the environment from pollution, people improve the living conditions. 2 Horses are still widely used for doing farm work. 3 Cattle are the most important of the animals domesticated by man. 4 Nowadays farmers are cultivating very little part of the land in Russia.
Вариант 5
Переведите письменно текст Corn. Most of corn grown at present is known as hybrid corn. Due to the development of hybrid corn better quality grain and higher yields have been obtained. Now there are some new types of corn grown all over the world: high-lysine corn and “waxy”corn. Scientists have known more than half a century that corn has low-quality protein because it lacks two very important amino acids which are protein elements that the body cannot produce. They are lysine and tryptophan. Nowadays scientists can produce high-lysine corn the protein quality of which is much the same as the quality of animal products. This type of corn is used in feeding animals and it is important in the diet of people. Waxy corn is another type of corn developed to increase its feeding qualities. It is called “waxy” because its starch is like wax. Corn starch is the source of most of the energy in the grain. About 25 percent of starch is usually amylase, the element that is not digested by animals. The other 75 percent is amylopectin that is highly digestible. It is due to amylopectin that corn is such an important high energy feed.
Ответьте письменно на вопросы. 1 Due to what have higher yields of corn been obtained? 2 What protein elements is corn lack of? 3 Where is high-lysine corn used? 4 Why is waxy corn called so?
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения глаголов to be, to have. 1 Oranges and lemons are grown in the south of our country. 2 She will be here by 11 o’clock. 3 This book has a good introduction. 4 He has to do this work himself.
Переведите предложения и укажите время и залог глагола-сказуемого в каждом предложении. 1 They are doing an important work. 2 They will be visited by their relatives in summer. 3 Next summer they will go to Canada. 4 The tourists have visited many interesting places in this country.
Переведите, учитывая правила перевода модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов. 1 The human body cannot produce some important amino acids. 2 This kind of corn must be used in feeding animals. 3 The cows are able to consume large quantities of roughages. 4 The farmers were able to get high yields.
Переведите, учитывая правила перевода “ субъектного” и “ объектного” инфинитивного оборота. 1 The conference was expected to take place in May. 2 I have heard someone call me. 3 Books in this country are known to be published in 119 languages. 4 The delegation is reported to come next week.
Переведите предложения, учитывая различные функции причастия I и причастия II. 1Supplying agriculture with high-quality machinery, we can greatly increase its economic efficiency. 2 The problem of farm mechanization will be discussed at the conference. 3 They were sowing wheat when we came to the farmer last spring. 4 The work done by the students is very interesting.