1 Do the test:Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ 1 ____________ is winter month. March 2 _______has 28 or 29 days. March 3 Summer months are: March, June, July 4 It`s cold and frosty. It often snows in__________. September 5 Выбери 4 правильных варианта. autumn month is September 6 Выбери все правильные ответы. first, second, ..., fifth 7 The weather in ________ is rainy and cold. autum 8 Отметь четыре верных ответа. to read and play 2 Вставьте местоимения (I, you, he, she, it, we, they).
3 Ответьте на вопросы или закончите предложения: 1 Which day comes before Tuesday? 2 Which day comes before Friday? 3 Which day comes after Wednesday? 4 Saturday and Sunday are the... 5 There are _____ days in a week 8 The first day of the working week is... 9 Which day comes between Tuesday and Thursday? 10 The first month of the year is... 11 The last month of the year is... 12 There are ____ months in a year. 13 April comes before... 14 ____ is the shortest month. 15 ____ is the twelfth month. 16 The seventh month is.... .