Offering a suggestion ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Offering a suggestion 1. David sits at home and never goes out. His dad suggests that he should play outside. Make up a short dialogue between them, using the phrases you’ve learnt at home:
2. Suggest visiting the Arseniev museum to a)your best friend; b)a senior lady:
3. Translate the following phrases from Russian into English: 1)с удовольствием; 2) Боюсь, я не могу; 3) На твоём месте я бы; 4) Да, я не против; 5) Почему бы тебе не попробовать это?
4. Use the phrases you know (do not repeat just a single one! ) to offer these suggestions to your friends: 1) to get a tattoo: 2) to open a bookstore: 3) to start a campaign against racial discrimination:
4) to start a punk rock band: 5) to take a dog from animal shelter: