Family Relations. Vocabulary
Read the text and answer the questions. Family Relations Your father and mother are husband and wife. They are your parents. They have children – boys and girls. The boys are their sons and the girls are their daughters. The girls are the sisters of the boys, who are their brothers. Your father`s and mother`s parents are your grandparents. They are your grandfather and grandmother, they have grandsons and granddaughters. Your father`s and mother`s sisters and brothers are your uncles and aunts and they have nephews and nieces. Their sons and daughters are your cousins. All of them are your relatives or relations. If you are married, your wife`s (husband`s) relatives are “in-laws”, for instance (например), mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, etc. this relationship lasts all your life, unless you divorce (разводитесь) your wife (husband).
Vocabulary Father – отец Mother – мать Parents – родители Daughter – дочь Son – сын Grandmother – бабушка Grandfather – дедушка Grandson – внук Granddaughter – внучка Brother – брат Sister – сестра Aunt – тетя Uncle – дядя Cousin – двоюродный брат (сестра) Mother-in-law – свекровь, теща Father-in-law – свекровь, тесть Nephew – племянник Niece – племянница Sister-in-law – свояченица, золовка Brother-in-law – шурин, деверь Stepmother – мачеха Stepfather – отчим Stepson – пасынок Stepdaughter – падчерица Married, – женат, замужем single, unmarried-не женатый, не замужем I am single divorce- развод spouse-супруг, супруга Twins- близнецы Sibling-родные брат и сестра Exercise 1. 1. Answer the questions 1. Have you got many relatives? 2. What would we call them in English? 3. Do they live close or far from you? 4. Do you see them often? Would you like to see them more often? Why? Exercise 1. 2. Read and remember Parents(father, mother) Children(son, daughter) Spouse (husband, wife)