Тема урока: Interdental sound: identification in fluent speech, pronunciation in fluent speech – the lesson on Listening + Speaking
Тема урока: Interdental sound: identification in fluent speech, pronunciation in fluent speech – the lesson on Listening + Speaking
| Обучающая Цель:
MAIN: Students will continue improving their ability to identify the difference between fricative /z/, /s/ and interdental /ð /, /θ / sounds when listening to a short story, and will practice pronouncing these sounds in a sentence/short story when reading and/or speaking.
Students will have an opportunity to practice reading fluently using linking techniques and making no pauses between words.
ОСНОВНАЯ: Способствовать развитию умения определять на слух разницу между межзубными и щелевыми звуками при прослушивании короткой истории. Помочь учащимся улучшить навык произнесения этих звуков в речи при чтении и говорении.
ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНАЯ: Способствовать развитию умения слитного (плавного) чтения, использовать фонетический связки между словами.
Воспитательная Цель:
(Какие конкретные свойства/чувства/отношения и за счет каких конкретно материалов/активностей/заданий данного урока будут развиваться у ученика? )
Поддерживать интерес и доброжелательное отношение к культурам зарубежных стран (Шри-Ланка) и уважительное отношение к иной национальной идентичности (необычным именам, названиям, практикам и т. п. ).
Способствовать развитию чувства юмора (умению видеть смешное в абсурдном тексте).
Развивающая цель:
(Какие конкретно свойства психических процессов - памяти, мышления, внимания, воображения – будут развиваться у ученика в процессе выполнения заданий данного урока? )
Развивать навык фокусированного слушания (умение выделять на слух важную информацию и абстрагироваться от ненужной).
Развивать речевую рефлексию (умение слышать и исправлять себя во время говорения)
| Планируемые предметные результаты + способ проверки:
Что ученик должен знать, понимать и уметь по итогам урока?
Как я проверю, что ученики достигли цели урока?
OUTCOME + RESULT EVALUATION CRITERIA: By the end of the lesson students will be able
to correctly understand the meaning of a word, which contains an interdental or fricative sound, in a sentence (NOT in a minimal pair), based on how it sounds (NOT on its written image). (Examples: sink – think, Sri-Lanka – three-lane, thunder – Sunday, Zee is – This is, etc. )
Students will be better able to pronounce these sounds in their fluent speech when reading or speaking.
Students will be better able to link words in oral speech when reading a short text aloud or speaking.
В результате обучения, учащиеся смогут
правильно определить значение слова, содержащего щелевые или межзубные звуки, в услышанном предложении. Учащиеся смогут с большей правильностью произносить эти звуки в предложении/коротком сообщении. Учащиеся смогут более естественно читать предложения или короткий текст, пользуясь техников фонетической связки слов.
| Знания, умения, навыки необходимые учащимся для освоения цели урока:
Что ученик уже знает и умеет, чтобы достигнуть планируемых результатов?
SS can identify the difference between interdental and fricative sounds in minimal pairs. Students know the meaning of most words from the short stories which they will have to read. Students can read short texts with somewhat natural pace.
Учащиеся могут определить разницу между межзубным и щелевым звуков в предъявляемой отдельно минимальной паре. Учащиеся знают значение большинства слов в историях, который будут читать на занятии. Учащиеся могут читать короткие тексты в относительно естественном темпе.
| Место в структуре блока (курса):
Как цель данного урока соотносится с целями блока / курса?
Тема и цель предыдущего занятия: Monologue: telling a short personal anecdote about the experience of dealing with natural disasters.
Тема и цель последующего занятия: Discussion: expressing your opinion about people’s behavior when dealing with natural disasters.
Домашнее задание и его цель: Exercises on improving the ability to identify the difference between sounds (Ship or Sheep, Unit 54, Ex. 1-4). Oral task: make up three sentences with “th” words and “s, z” words => say them aloud and record yourself => send them to your teacher. (AT THE NEXT LESSON SS WILL LISTEN TO SOME OF THE RECORDED SENTENCES AND WRITE/REPEAT THEM)
| Предварительная подготовка учителя
| Что необходимо подготовить, принести, распечатать, нарезать или написать перед уроком?
Иллюстрации к текстам. Тексты для чтения (15 распечаток). Зеркало.
Этап урока
Stage of the lesson, time
Деятельность учащихся/ Цель деятельности учащихся
| | | | | Организационные момент
(рутинная активность, которая помогает учащимся собраться и сосредоточиться на учебных целях)
| Warm-up, 5 min
| T asks SS to show the object which they have on their desk ONLY if its name contains “s” or “th” sound. T names objects (a course book, a pencil box, a pen, a pencil, a telephone, three pens, two pens, two pencils, a spinner, a work book, strawberry chewing gum). T asks SS to repeat the words with s and th.
| SS focus and check on the objects which they will need during the lesson. SS pronounce words in different voices/tempo to prepare their mouth muscles for speaking.
| | Актуализация знаний, умений, навыков, которые помогут ученикам освоить материал урока
| Lead-in
+ Elicitation (helping learners recall what they already know/can do to build on their knowledge/experience),
5 min
| T asks SS: Do you like hamburgers?
Imagine, you are walking with your friends and get really hungry. You hear in the street: “Come and taste our delicious thick hamburger! ” – T says “sick” instead of “thick”. Would you go and taste it?
T asks SS to put down “thick” and “sick” and say one of the words covering their mouth for others to identify the spelling.
| SS identify a minimal pair in T’s story and say how the mistake influenced the meaning of the sentence.
SS practice saying the minimal pair.
| | Этап знакомства с новым материалом
| Activities which help SS identify and understand new language/ strategies and formulate their meaning/ function,
10 min
| T shows several pictures (relevant and irrelevant) and asks SS to listen to the stories and to say what pictures can illustrate each story.
“Zee lives in Ski-Lanka. Zee knows Sri-Lanka sea ports. She is not a good swimmer and she sinks in beautiful sea waves. Zee doesn’t like Sri-Lanka roads and buses because she gets sick. Zee is scared of mazes. She likes building sandy castles on Sundays”.
“Theo lives near the three-lane road. Theo has three hares in the garden. He thinks that hares are beautiful. He feeds them with thick carrots. Theo likes reading thick books in the bath on Thursdays. He is scared of thunderclaps”.
S-S (pair check), SS-T (whole class check)
| SS recognize and match with pix the words they know.
SS check answers in pairs to feel more confident.
| | Этап закрепления новых знаний, умений навыков
| Activities that allow SS practice using the new material with much to moderate support,
10 min
| T asks SS to read the statements, to listen to the stories again and say which statements are True/False/Not given.
(Listening for detail)
1)Zee knows three ports. (False)
2)Zee is swims badly. (True)
3)Zee thinks that the sea is beautiful. (False)
4)Zee is afraid of Maths. (not stated)
5)Zee is fond of building castles. (True)
6)Theo has very bad hair. (not stated)
7)Theo is fond of his animals. (True)
8)Theo likes reading on the bus. (False)
9)Theo likes reading on weekends. (False)
10)Theo is afraid of storms. (True)
S-S (pair check), SS-T (whole class check)
| SS focus on the oral form of the key words and match them with their written images.
| | Этап применения учениками новых знаний, умений, навыков
| Activities which help SS use their newly acquired knowledge/skills with moderate to little support
(10 min)
| T distributes the texts and asks SS to repeat after him/her. SS are reading in chorus. T reads the stories several times in different tempo, asking some SS repeat sentences individually (one after another). – 5 min
T asks SS to work in pairs.
The instruction:
Read a sentence aloud without naming a character – your partner should say who the sentence about (Zee or Theo) – 5 min
T monitors the class, listening to each ss, asking to self-correct if necessary.
| SS practice reading fluently: slowly (practice reflection on pronunciation) – fast (practice automaticity of pronunciation)
| | Этап подведения итогов
| Reflection (2-3 questions which help SS summarize what they have been doing and what they have learnt)
(5 min)
| T asks S why “s” and “th” should be pronounced correctly.
T may write on the WB for students to comment on the phrases:
Don’t eat SICK hamburgers.
In the bathroom THINK not to SINK.
| SS reflect on their experience. SS comment on the phrases showing their understanding of the importance of correct pronunciation of difficult sounds in the connected speech.
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Didactic materials