Вставьте подходящие личные местоимения:Вставьте подходящие личные местоимения: 1. This is Maria. _____ is having lunch in the canteen. 2. Look at the children! _____ are playing football in the snow! 3. Vanya is my friend. ______ is riding a bike now. 4. Look at Pavel's parents. _________ are reading a book. 5. Lisa is Pavel's friend. Listen! ______ is singing! Заполните пропуски, используя личные местоимения в объектном падеже. 1. Who is that lady? — Why are you looking at __________? 2. Do you know that young handsome man? -Yes, I study with __________. 3. Please, listen to _______. I want to express my point of view. 4. These puppies are so nice! Do you want to look at ______. Найдите неверные притяжательные местоимения и исправьте их. 1. Anna loves his husband very much. ___________________________________________ 2. We talked about ours problems. ______________________________________________ 3. That is their camera. _______________________________________________________ 4. Robert likes to spend her money on clothes. ____________________________________
запишите порядковые числительные: первый урок____________________________ второй дом ____________________________ шестая машина _______________________ пятнадцатая книга______________________________ 23-ий ученик_____________________________80 день рождения____________________________ Вставьте вопросительные слова a. _____________________ do you live? b. ______________________ do you get up? c. _______________________is your name? d. _________________________ are you from? e. ________________________ old are you? f. _______________________ time is it? Поставьте “OK” - если предложение написано верно и внесите исправления, если написано неверно 1 ___ Pam is no married. 2 ___ Pam doesn’t have any children. 3 ___ He shall visit France next year. 4 ___ Tschh!! They is sleeping. 5 ___ He drive the school bus. 6 ___ We shall make lunch tonight.. Переведите на английский язык Мой дядя не работает. ______________________________________________________________ Он встает в половине десятого утра каждый день________________________________________ Он умывается, одевается, ест бутерброд и пьет кофе на завтрак. _______________________________________________________________________________ Она читает книгу сейчас ___________________________________________________________ Мы поедем за город этим летом ________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Прошлым летом мы ездили на юг. Мы много плавали, кушали вкусные блюда (tasty dishes)___ _______________________________________________________________________________ Она доктор _____________________________________________________________________ Вчера в 9 часов вечера мы пили кофе__________________________________________________ Моя бабушка умела прекрасно танцевать, когда была молода_______________________________
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Perfect. 1. Thank you for everything that you (do) for us. 2. She was sorry for the things that she (do). 3. I (be) a Londoner for five and a half years by next September. 4. I’m afraid he (forget) that you are waiting for him. 5. He was afraid that she already (learn) the truth. 6. By next Tuesday Jill (finish) these novels by O’Henry. 7. You (have) dinner yet? 8. My friend complained that she (spend) all her money. 9. Molly thinks the film(to start) by the time she gets to Fred’s. 10. I not (see) my boss this week. 11. When he went out of the office, he saw that his car (disappear). 12. Johnny (translate) this document by 7pm o’clock this afternoon. 13. Where is Mr. Green? – He (go) to the bank. 14. The agent realized that he (make) a fatal mistake. 15. Helen (make) this awesome doll by her daughter’s birthday.