LLC «V Kontakte». CEO LLC «V Kontakte». To Krasnova Marianna Vladimirovna. Letter of Guarantee ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
LLC «V Kontakte» CEO LLC «V Kontakte» To Krasnova Marianna Vladimirovna
From _____________________________ _______________________________
Letter of Guarantee Hereby, NAME OF ORGANIZATION, guarantees that exclusive rights of the content which is published on INSERT THE WEBSITE OR COMMUNITY LINK belongs to the administrators of this website or community. NAME OF ORGANIZATION agrees to not violate the exclusive rights belonging to a third party while carrying out activities of the promoted website/community. NAME OF ORGANIZATION guarantees that the promoted website/community will not post content that violates the rights of a third party. Website or Community to advertise: INSERT AN URL. ________________________ ____________________ /_____________________ (Prepared on) (Signature) (Initials)
(Stamp of Approval)