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(По фильму «Джен Эйр»Ш. Бронте) Ответы на вопросы в электронном виде присылать преподавателю иностранного языка Вотинцевой Е. М. https: //vk. com/id588682461 ) (английский язык)

1. What is the plot of the novel?

2. What is the book about?

3. Who are the main characters – describe them.

4. Has the novel got a romantic plot?

5. Which of the adjectives best describe John, Jane? (Cruel, educated, bad-mannered, lonely, arrogant)

6. Why was Jane sent to live with her aunt?

7. Why did she go to Thornfield Hall?

8. What was Mr Rochester like?

9. What qualities attracted Rochester to Jane?

10. Why couldn’t they get married?

11. Why didn’t Jane die on the moors?

12. What stopped her from going to India with St John?

13. What happened to cause Rochester’s terrible injuries?

14. Now let’s watch the end of the film and try to describe the feelings of the main characters. What do they feel?

15. True or false:

1. Charlotte was born in Thornton in 1816.
2. She was the fourth daughter in the family.
3. She was from a rich family.
4. After the death of Charlotte’s mother, her mother’s sister came to look after the family.
5. The children were sent to Cowan Bridge School.
6. When Charlotte left school she became a doctor.
7. Her first novels were published under a pen name.
8. The writer died from cancer.
9. Her novels were partly autobiographical.




 (По фильму «Джен Эйр»Ш. Бронте) Ответы на вопросы в электронном виде присылать преподавателю иностранного языка Вотинцевой Е. М. https: //vk. com/id588682461 ) (английский язык)

1. Как называлась книга, которую читала маленькая Джейн, спрятавшись от всех на подоконнике за тяжелыми шторами из красного штофа?

А. «Мир животных».

Б. «Жизнь птиц».

В. «Царство растений».

2. Тетя Рид, опекунша Джейн, любила давать обеды и вечера, празднуя Рождество и Новый год. Джейн, разумеется, там не присутствовала, она видела только беготню слуг и слышала звуки музыки. Какие музыкальные инструменты услаждали гостей Гейтсхеда?

А. Фортепиано и арфа.

Б. Фортепиано и флейта.

В. Фортепиано и скрипка.


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